Big licks to you!
My name is Suzuki aka Suzi. I am 8 years old and have lived with my Mum and Dad since I was 6 weeks old! I have a younger sister named Tahlia, a younger brother named Scooby Doo and a rabbit brother named Brandon.
I am a water baby, I love the beach and my favourite past time is boogey boarding. I love the colour purple and lots of attention! I am a show off and love to compete in different competitions. I was in the WA finals for Pet Fashion Week in 2006 and I won Mandurah's Cutest Pet in 2007. I am also featured in the 2009 Dog A Day Calendar for the RSPCA as Miss 5th December. I have an older brother named Jerry-Lee who I dont see anymore... Mum says he went to the Rainbow Bridge and I will see him again one day.
OMDog! My fur has been dog-napped! That's right! Mummy shaved me and she took my fur away. I don't know where it's gone, but, I am going to spend my day working fur the Snuggle Puggle trying to find my fur.
Ohhhh, I am so sorry you lost your fur. I would be very upset if that happened to me. I do not like Mommy even brushing it out. I get very upset. I hope you find it soon. ~puppy kisses~ -Kira The BeaWootiful
Oh my Suzi! Why did your mom took your fur away. Is it too hot in Australia?
It's summer here but the weather's really weird. At first my mom wanted to cut my beautiful white fur also because it is really hot. Then, the weather shifted and it started raining!
Oh my goodness Suzuki - what a surprise! We espect you will be nice and cool now in Australia - it if does turn cold let us know and we will send you a coat until your fur grows back. We think it rather suits you! love Martha & Bailey xx
You look very dashing if it's any consolation. I hope my human pet doesn't get any ideas and decide to shave me. I'm sure I would not be half as handsome...
Sorry about your fur. We are also sorry we missed including you in our contest post. Mommy was afraid she might do that. She will add you tonight or tomorrow, and we will be sure to include you in the drawing.
WOW! A Playmate centerfold naked photograph right here on a DWB blogsite. How exciting is this! We'll have to print it out and post it on our calendar. - TBH
Oh Suz you look nice and cool! A hair cut is very good for the health and vitality of your hairs. It will come back shiney and new! Got your package 2 days ago and Mommy finally posted it on our blog. Thank you so much for thinking of us. XX-BabyRD & Hootie
ps-Have fun at your walk on Saturday. We'll be thinking of you.
Please click on the photo to see how you can help these strays who were rounded up and dumped on a remote island to die
Scooby Doo
We are all friends of Beau who want to see him come home!
Beau was stolen from his Mum's home on the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia on the 1st July 2003. Please spare a moment of your time to view his website, you could be the missing link to bring Beau home!
ohhh you look handsome! :)
Oh wow - you look really cool! We're liking the new look, suits you! Tail wags - JD and Max.
ohhh poor doggies. you lost your fur. sounds like the title to a children's book.
"The day Suzuki lost his fur"
Ohhhh, I am so sorry you lost your fur. I would be very upset if that happened to me. I do not like Mommy even brushing it out. I get very upset. I hope you find it soon.
~puppy kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Hi, Suzuki...
You look very cute...
Don't worry...It will grow back...
The Spa has been stealing my fur since I was about 6 mos old & it always grows back...
Abby xxxooo
Oh my Suzi! Why did your mom took your fur away. Is it too hot in Australia?
It's summer here but the weather's really weird. At first my mom wanted to cut my beautiful white fur also because it is really hot. Then, the weather shifted and it started raining!
You look great. Don't you feel wonderful? You're gonna love it.
What are you going to do with it if you find it? Friendly warning -- stay away from the glue. Woof, Tank
You look so cute. I wouldn't worry about it, it'll grow back.
You look great! How do you feel, nice & cool? I hope you find your fur! Great work!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
You look fantastic fur or no fur.
Diego Dog
Uh oh... what happened? Isn't it winter very soon in OZ? Hopefully, your fur will grow fast, no need to be sad, you still look cute as always.
Btw, thank you so much for the pressies!!! :)
Big licks,
Adele, Vincent & Bella
Hi Suzuki,
Maybe your mom donated your fur to a hairless doggy? Great thing about fur, it normally grows back. You still look terrific in the mean time.
Wags & wiggles,
Oh my goodness Suzuki - what a surprise!
We espect you will be nice and cool now in Australia - it if does turn cold let us know and we will send you a coat until your fur grows back.
We think it rather suits you!
Martha & Bailey xx
We think you look pretty good shaved - what will you do with that fur if you find it?
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Oh nooooo you are naked! Thankfully it is a very pretty naked! ;-)
why in the world would she do that??? good luck buddy
Should I khover my eyes?
U r still bootiful to me
Hi Suzuki!
I would not change a thing!
Wiggles & Nisses (nose kisses),
We think your haircut looks awesome! Probably keeps you nice and cool!!!
Pruett and Daphne
you are looking very sleek
cool look! I don't have that much fur to shave so my momster has to satisfy herself by shaving her own fur... ;)
I hope you find your fur, but don't worry you look cute without it. Finn
Hi Suzuki,
I see you got shaved? I hope you find your fur, or that is grows back! Mom has been talking about giving me my summer shave soon!
Happy Trails
Ziggy Marley
Love the new 'do, Suzuki! You wearin it well! :-)
wif love from the Luke
you look cool ;)
hugs and kisses from kikos world
Hi, Suzi!
You look great! How do you feel??
Sure you have a lot of work ahead of you finding your fur!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
You are quite good looking with the lack of clothing.
I hope you find your fur, but you're still cute! :)
You look very dashing if it's any consolation. I hope my human pet doesn't get any ideas and decide to shave me. I'm sure I would not be half as handsome...
We love your new look.
Simba and Jazzi xx
I casnot work out why Mum's want our furs all the time.
~lickies, Ludo
You look all spiffy and sporty and ready for summer, now! Maybe you shouldn't look too hard for your fur!!!
Hi Suzuki
Sorry about your fur. We are also sorry we missed including you in our contest post. Mommy was afraid she might do that. She will add you tonight or tomorrow, and we will be sure to include you in the drawing.
Daisy and Tucker
Oh, my, doGness! You are sooooo nekkid!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Oh no Suzuki, we hope you find your fur. hehe :-)
Holly & Zac...XX
Ps- you look very cute though. :-)
Oh no! My sister doesn't like when Mom takes her to get her fur stolen, but she does enjoy being cooler.
hey suzuki you rock!!! go to my blog there is something there for you...and i promise to post the grand opening too - im so incredibly excited!!!
0000 noooo Suzuki, where did ur furs go...mine iz going aways too, but me gots plenty more to take its place...
b safe,
pps, how iz Scooby>>
Oh dear, are you cold now???? Maybe a blankie will help. :)
You still look cute with out your fur. =)
You found your hair, Suzuki??
WOW! A Playmate centerfold naked photograph right here on a DWB blogsite. How exciting is this! We'll have to print it out and post it on our calendar.
Oh Suz you look nice and cool! A hair cut is very good for the health and vitality of your hairs. It will come back shiney and new! Got your package 2 days ago and Mommy finally posted it on our blog. Thank you so much for thinking of us. XX-BabyRD & Hootie
ps-Have fun at your walk on Saturday. We'll be thinking of you.
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