I barked out a poem of proposal...

And I want to share my life
You do not have to live with me
To furever be my wife
I want to be your husband
And protect you like a brother
We will always share our dreams
And be there fur each other
I want to grow old with you
As we share our happiness and love
We can play together furever
Underneath the skies above
So I am laying here imagining
How happy we will be
As I give you this ring with a question
Will you Marry me?
I have purchased a beautiful engagement collar fur her and she should be receiving it soon.
We have not yet decided on a date or whether it will be a big or a small wedding, but, I would like to take this opportunity to ask Cody to be my best fur man?
I would also like to thank you all fur your paw crossing and good wishes while I was sick.
I am feeling much better now and the bleeding has stopped since, well, you know...
I now want to focus on my future with my beautiful wife to be, Lady.
I love you.
Hugs from your fiance Stud
Scooby Doo
I have purchased a beautiful engagement collar fur her and she should be receiving it soon.
We have not yet decided on a date or whether it will be a big or a small wedding, but, I would like to take this opportunity to ask Cody to be my best fur man?
I would also like to thank you all fur your paw crossing and good wishes while I was sick.
I am feeling much better now and the bleeding has stopped since, well, you know...
I now want to focus on my future with my beautiful wife to be, Lady.
I love you.
Hugs from your fiance Stud
Scooby Doo
Do I hear the wedding bell ringing?
Mom and I are all leaky!
That was SOOOO beaWOOtiful and romantikh of woo!
I'm so happy fur woo both!
Hi, Scooby...
What a beautiful poem...I know you will be very happy...
Abby xxxooo
Oh my goodness, Scooby, we are so happy for you. You make a lovely couple. Glad you're better too. That's the best news!!
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
Congrats Scooby ! I will be your best fur man for sure ! Do remember to tell me when is the big day yeah ! BOL !!!
Lots of drools,
wow--it's a bit of a big day!
Oh how lovely - we are so very happy for you both!
Martha and Bailey xx
Woohoo! Congratulations, what a romantic proposal!
Oh WOW - congratulations, how EXCITING!! We're so happy for you all - what a lovely engagement collar too, so pretty. And the best news is that you're well so you'll have many happy years together. Sniff.... um, we're not really crying you know..... snuffle.....erm, we simple have something in our eyes.....
Snuggles - JD and Max.
WOOOOOOOO! Congratulations to you both! That was such a beaWootiful poem, I would have said yes too, and I never met you. although my Snoop might be a little upset if I had said yeas to you, but .....I am being silly
~puppy kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Wow Scooby you just raised the bar fur all dog proposals with that bewootiful poem!
Loves from pugs,
Rosie Marie
Congratulations to both of you. We are so excited. What good news!
Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker
Wow, mega congrats to you and best wishes to Lady, how exciting!!! And we are so glad to hear you are feeling better.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
wow, this is so great! i'm so happy for the both of you. you are so romantic, composing a poem for your sweetheart. you sure knows how to win Last's heart! lastly congrats (:
best regards
That is one fine looking lady.
How romantic Scooby!
lots of woofs
Congratulations Scooby! I'm so happy for you two lovedogs! :-)
Sniffs and licks,
Wow, congrats, we are sure you will both be very happy.
Simba and Jazzi xxx
woofhooooo scooby
how wonderful...is this going to be the first dogs with blogs wedding?? Do we all get invites.....will there be treats?????
going to the chapel....and they're going to get married...going to the chapel of love
Awwww, how sweet!
Congratulations Scooby!
You are very romantic. I know she said YES!
Kisses and hugs
The pressie came today, oh I love the postman, I love you, I love everybody, life is sooooo beautiful!
I'll flash it off in the next post, muahhh, thank you Suzuki, my cool pal!
Awwww.. That is so sweet. Congratulations Lady and Scooby!
Congrats Scooby! Beautiful poem!
Aww...that is a really sweet poem indeed, Scooby! Congrats on your engagement! Can't wait to go to your wedding...*grins*
Ooh - CONGRATULATIONS Scooby!!! I'm so happy for you!! (and Lady) - you make a beautiful couple!
Honey the Great Dane
Congratulations, Scooby! Lady is a beautiful girlie! We are so very happy for the two of you!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hey Scooby,
OBTW, you were not sick; you were broken. that's why you had to get fixed.
We here all hope that you have recovered and that you don't have any more bleeding now that the problem has been removed.
Nice post!
hugs and kisses from kikos world
wooo congrats!!!
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