Big licks to you!
My name is Suzuki aka Suzi. I am 8 years old and have lived with my Mum and Dad since I was 6 weeks old! I have a younger sister named Tahlia, a younger brother named Scooby Doo and a rabbit brother named Brandon.
I am a water baby, I love the beach and my favourite past time is boogey boarding. I love the colour purple and lots of attention! I am a show off and love to compete in different competitions. I was in the WA finals for Pet Fashion Week in 2006 and I won Mandurah's Cutest Pet in 2007. I am also featured in the 2009 Dog A Day Calendar for the RSPCA as Miss 5th December. I have an older brother named Jerry-Lee who I dont see anymore... Mum says he went to the Rainbow Bridge and I will see him again one day.
My gramma always says "this too shall pass." Be sure to milk it for all it's worth though. Look sad and pathetic and you'll get lots of attention and special treats. Woof, Tank
Scooby - cross your legs... they are taking your doghood. Just kidding.. You'll be fine doggy. Bell will come over and jump all over you to help you get better. :) She thinks she helps all the time.. FEEL BETTER SCOOBY WE'LL BE THINKING OF YOU!
Oooh Scooby, as doggies who have recently been through this (and who also had to wear the dreaded e-collar as we licked the stitches) we want to wish you luck. Go for the sad look for many days after - it really works! Tail wags - JD and Max.
Good luck to woo sweet Scooby! I gots my paws crossed and will have the hoomans say prayers! Will woo have a dish on da head?? Hmmmm...ask for plenty of treats when woo gets home!!
Hey Guys, We machine turned up for Scooby. All of us Bumpass guys got new turds, it was too, too bad. Hopefully this will stop Scooby's bleeding problem. Y'all have to check out our post at: We left something for you there. - TBH
Such a sweet pic of Scooby. Lucy and Sable will be praying for your speedy recovery. Just take it easy for a day or two. Enjoy all the loving you will get.
Hi Suzuki, and thanks for stopping by our blog. We've seen your name a lot and are glad to meet you, finally. Truth be known, our mom is a bit crabby the past coupla days. She's been taking her 'motions out on the 'puter, which she says can't hear her frustrated voice. That's no excuse, though. She wants to get around to visit friends and get to know new ones - 'cluding YOU! We're adding you to our sidebar, so when things settle down, we can easily come back!
Tell Scooby to keep his nose in line (no chewing or licking) and all will be well soon!
Please click on the photo to see how you can help these strays who were rounded up and dumped on a remote island to die
Scooby Doo
We are all friends of Beau who want to see him come home!
Beau was stolen from his Mum's home on the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia on the 1st July 2003. Please spare a moment of your time to view his website, you could be the missing link to bring Beau home!
good luck scooby! i hope you get extra treats after.
Paws khrossed!
Woo will SOOOO enjoy your new terds!
We're thinkin about him, good luck Scooby. Hope you done come home wearing a direct tv dish on yer head.
Feather, Darla, Pappy & LizzaBella
Good luck, Scooby! We're thinking of you.
Your pals,
Joey and Zeke
Good Luck Scooby! We hope you like you new terds!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
We're crossing our paws and hope that you feel better really soon.
Hugs and Licks xo
My gramma always says "this too shall pass." Be sure to milk it for all it's worth though. Look sad and pathetic and you'll get lots of attention and special treats. Woof, Tank
hmmmm maybe Scooby should cross his back paws BOL - good luck!
Loves from pugs,
Rosie Marie
hugs and kisses big guy!
sucks to be you today. but your one tough doggie and hey, if i can do it, well have it done to me, you for sure will!
Best of luck Scooby!
Good Luck Scooby!!!
It will be over before you know it.
Don't lick & you won't have to wear the dreaded E. collar.
Love Ruby & Penny
Good luck Scooby....I am thinking of you!
Scooby - cross your legs... they are taking your doghood. Just kidding.. You'll be fine doggy. Bell will come over and jump all over you to help you get better. :) She thinks she helps all the time..
Good luck Scooby, we are thinking of you!
Good luck Scooby! Keeping paws crossed for you!
Diego Dog
Good luck Scooby!
Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker
Hi, You Guys...
Good Luck Scooby...Let us know how everything goes...
Make sure they give you lots of treats when you get home...
Abby xxxoooo
Good Luck Scooby!!! I bet you gets lots of love and treats after!
Happy Trails
Ziggy Marley
PS Suzuki, we loved your package! Thank you!
Good luck Scooby! Try to get extra treats after.
We will add Scooby to the circle of healing vibes. Both my brothers have the new-ters and they are just a goofy as ever.
Oooh Scooby, as doggies who have recently been through this (and who also had to wear the dreaded e-collar as we licked the stitches) we want to wish you luck. Go for the sad look for many days after - it really works! Tail wags - JD and Max.
Good luck on your new ters!
I had it done when I was a wee pup and it's nothing to worry about at all. You won't even miss 'em!
Sending up prayers for Scooby!
Tail wags,
your name is in the St. Francis'll be fine buddy - and up in no time
aw scooby you'll be pawfectly ok i will be thinking of you and passing on doyleverine powers
Scooby, I wish the best luck!!!
Scooby - don't look so scared, you will be just fine, just minus a couple of -umm- things.
Good luck, the OP Pack
Ooh...I hope he is A-OK! I did just fine after I got my new ones...or lost my winklets...or whatever. (Perhaps a bit of memory loss...)
Good luck to Scooby.. It will be ok. Louie never has lifted his leg before of after that. He pees like a girl..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Good luck to woo sweet Scooby! I gots my paws crossed and will have the hoomans say prayers! Will woo have a dish on da head?? Hmmmm...ask for plenty of treats when woo gets home!!
Mya Boo Boo
We are late catching up and so have only just seen this. We hope Scooby is ok and all went/goes well with his op. We have our paws crossed for him.
Holly & Zac...XX
GOOD LUCK SCOOBS!! It's not as bad as it sounds..I promise.. :-)
Sniffs and licks,
I hope everything went well!
Paws crossed!
Kisses and hugs
Good luck Scooby. I did it and you'll be just fine.
Sending Scooby a speedy recover and to be good as new soon!
Some extra treats will help!
Hey Guys,
We machine turned up for Scooby. All of us Bumpass guys got new turds, it was too, too bad. Hopefully this will stop Scooby's bleeding problem.
Y'all have to check out our post at:
We left something for you there.
Good luck Scooby!
Crossing my paws for you!
Hope it all goes well. You will feel better with lots of treats for sure.
love & wags,
Such a sweet pic of Scooby. Lucy and Sable will be praying for your speedy recovery. Just take it easy for a day or two. Enjoy all the loving you will get.
Hi Suzuki, and thanks for stopping by our blog. We've seen your name a lot and are glad to meet you, finally. Truth be known, our mom is a bit crabby the past coupla days. She's been taking her 'motions out on the 'puter, which she says can't hear her frustrated voice. That's no excuse, though. She wants to get around to visit friends and get to know new ones - 'cluding YOU! We're adding you to our sidebar, so when things settle down, we can easily come back!
Tell Scooby to keep his nose in line (no chewing or licking) and all will be well soon!
Your new friends,
Jake and Fergi
We hope it all goes well for you and you have a speedy recovery.
Simba and Jazzi xxx
good luck scooby!!!
licks Pu
Scooby is getting a new turd? I got one a long time ago. That new turd hurt.
Sorry Scooby.
Good Luck Scooby, I know you will come out just fine!!
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