Hello furry friends. I am furry busy tending to my Mummy's birthday needs. That's right! It's Mummy's Birthday today. She is 31! Mummy had to go to work today, she doesn't normally work on her birthday because evfurry-one at Mummy's work knows Mummy has been married fur 9 years and when they ask how old she is, the furry next question out of their unthoughtful mouths is usually when are you going to have children? This upsets Mummy furry much. She has us fur kids and we do a pawsome job as "replacement kids". They don't know Mummy's "problems" and should think before they speak. I know have a lot of work ahead this evening making Mummy smile again. But I can do it.
Big licks to you
Suzuki, I don't think it will take long for your mommy to smile once she sees your furry face. Who needs children when you have fuzzy babies!!! A very happy birthday to your mom and I hope you all have a great time partying tonight!!
Happy Birthday Suzuki's Mummy!
You're one of the pawsome moms whom we love so much.
4 paws up to you!
Thanks for bringing joy to us, we smile and laugh whenever we visit Suzuki's blog!
Love y'all, muahhhh!
Happy Birthday - our mommy deals with the same thing - she is 30 and says she has 3 kids. People laugh and look at her a little funny - but she doesnt care.
Love, Bully hugs and kisses
Woodrow, Sweetie & MJ
I'm sure you'll get that smile on her face in no time! Remember to give her kisses from Virus and me, too! Unfortunately some people say stupid things without thinking. Us furkids are WAY better than them.. and your mom, too!
And we mean you mom is way smarter than stupid people, of course. Not that we're smarter than her! Just to make that real clear!
Happy Barkday to your Mum. Tell her muzzer says that one advantage to furkids is that you don't have to send them to collidge.
She loves us lots...and we know your Mom loves you too. Make her smile lots.
Hi, Suzuki...
Happy Birthday to your Mom...
Have fun at the pawty...
Abby xxxooo
Happy Birthday Suzuki's Mum! Hope you have a great day celebrating (and don't let the nosy morons get to you!) Woof, Tank
Hi Suzuki!
Kiko here is telling that you dont need to worry. When your mum see you after the job time, she wil smile for sure!!!
Happy Birthday for you mum!!!
hugs ang kisses from kikos world
Happy Barkday
Happy Birfday
Happy Birthday to your mum!
PeeEssWoo: All of my Doggy Nanny's granddaughters are of the four pawed variety!
Happy birthday to your mom!!! I'll bet you do a GREAT job putting a smile on your mom's face!
Tail wags,
Happy BirthdaySuzuki´s Mummy!!
I hope you have a wonderful day!!
Hi Suzuki,
Tell your mom Happy Birthday for us. We are certain you'll have her cheered up in no time at all.
Our mom says she prefers having furkids over hooman kids any day of the week!
Wags & wiggles,
w00fs, happy birfday to ur mama..mama says we not have to have hooman babies to b mamas...we have "furkids"....
b safe,
Happy Birthday to your mum! Tell her to tell everybody we are not replacement kids - we are the kids! We just have 4 feet - and we are smarter and better behaved than the 2 footers too! So, there!
Your pal, Morgan
My Old Girl gets the same question a lot. She gets very irritated as well, but I just say, "Hey, she has one kid--me! Fred!"
P.S. Happy birthday to your mom!
Hi Suzuki
We wish your mom a very Happy Birthday! We know you will make her smile because you always make us smile.
Tell your mom that some humans just open their mouths without thinking!
We think furkids are the best - much less trouble!
Have a great day mom.
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxx
A very happy birthday to your mummy, Suzuki!
Your pals,
Joey and Zeke
Happy Birthday to your Mom. Brad & George wish her Happy Birthday too. We are at the Cannes Film Fstival right now but I will be back home soon!
Diego Dog
What a worker dog you are!
Happy Birthday to your mom. Mom calls the unthoughtful people "foot in mouth disease". Dear Abby once said the answer to questions like that is "Why do you need to know?"
Shuts em up every time.
That is a great response that "DevilDog" mentioned - my mom also went through this and knows how hard it can be....but we furbabies are so better.
Hi Suzuki,
Bell here..HIGH FIVE!
Happy Boofday to your Mummy! My human always wonders why people @ her work say some of the things they do... but, if everyone wuffed the same I guess life would be bland. My mom doesn't think she can have babies and she's almost 35 on Sept. 6th, my barkday is right after hers on Sept. 9th I cant wait to see if I get a bark day present from her. She always gets me stuff so I'll let you know when it happens long time still.
I've rubbed my paw on my face and I think that your mum is going to be so happy to see you when she gets home - just jump on her and bark a lot I'm sure she will like it! BOL
Happy Birthday to your mom!!
Isn't that our job - to always put a smile on our moms face? Happy Birthday Mom! Our mom thinks you're still a puppy compared to her senior self! :-)
Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker
Happy Happy Barkday, Suzuki's mom!!! Wow, all you need to make her smile is YOU!!
Ok.. our mom has added a human child to our family last year but when she is asked how many kids she has, her answer is always THREE!!
We love the picture of you two together at the walk. CUTE!!
Momo & Pinot
A very happy birthday to your Mom, Suzuki!
We're sure you had a great time tonight with her.
lots of woofs
your Old Cheese is bonzer mate she's a top sheila who doesnt need human sprogs cos us fur babys are the bee's knees! hope you put on a good spread for her - snags and stubbies maybe? her work mates are just a lot of sticky-beaks! (i've been practising my australian for my post about you... go have a perve...) doyle;D
Happy Birthday to your mummy!!! She is soooooooooo young..compared to my mommy! Woofs!! Just remember, love comes in all forms. As long as woo have LOVE woo is blessed!!!!
Mya Boo Boo
Happy Birthday to your mum Suzuki.
Give her lots of snuggles and loves tonight.
We have just seen your walk pix, that looked a really fun day for everyone.
Holly & Zac...XX
Happy birthday Mummy and FUR KIDS are the best. They don't know any better.
Hi, Suzi!
Happy Birthday to your Mom!
I know your job making your mom smile was a success!
Sometimes is not easy for people to close their mouths!
Please give her kisses and hugs from us!
PS I got your package today! Thanks a lot! You sent me very nice presents!
Some people just don't use their heads when they ask personal questions. We wish your Mom a very big happy birthday and we hope she gets all she dreamed of.
woos, the OP Pack
Happy birthday to your mommy!!! I'm sure you will get your mom smiling in no time! :)
Happy Birthday to your Mommy. we are sorry that people are so thoughtless. It is a good thing that you are able to take such good care of your parents.
Happy happy happy birthday to your mom, Suzuki! Hope that she has a great b'day!
Tell her, not to worry too much with people's question, just open the left ear then let the question out from the right ear, hahaha... like our sister/auntie - Selby, she also always got question when will she got married.
Adele, Vincent & Bella
I think your mummy will have a pawsome birthday pawty with you as the planner. ;)
~ Bae
I'm Mommy's furkid(she has no humanpup) & she thinks I'm best! But hey we love unconditionaly & don't ask for anything in return(except for SNUGGLES!!!)BOL! Happy Birthday to your Mommy!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Happy Birthday Shannan! Sorry we are late. :) Isn't it annoying when people don't think before they speak...maybe one day they will learn. Hope your day was super anyway. :)
Amber & Nala
Hello there Suzuki!
DO wish your mommy for us a happy happy Birthday! Yes, ppl can sometimes ask the most awkward questions ... which is why the Chief get along better with us four legged lot than humans!
Many many happy returns of the day!!
Much affectionate birthday greetings,
The DOg Woods Pack
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