Bark Kent: Hi Holly & Zac! Thank you fur taking the time to bark with me today.
Holly: Hi Bark Kent, it is very nice to meet you. We couldn't believe our eyes when we saw our bloggie had been nominated. It is a real honour for us.
Zac: Hiya Bark!, how are you doing?, thanks for interviewing us, we think this is pretty cool!
Bark Kent: We are going to do things a little differently today since there is two of you. It will be two questions each and and joint question to finish up. Ladies first... Is there much sibling rivalry between yourself and Zac?
Holly: Nar not really, i am a pretty chilled out kinda girlie. Zac can be a very annoying little brother sometimes but i do love him. We both do get plenty of attention and cuddles so we both live a good life. I do let him think he is boss sometimes but he knows who really is the boss around here...hehehe
Bark Kent: Who was the first pup to bark on your blog and do you still bark with them today?
Zac: That would be our pal Laura's blog (Taximodo) i think she commented on our very first posting. We had come to know her (on line wise) and her gorgeous dogs through a forum our human uses. Her blog is a great blog about her two Border Collies - Craig and Taz - these pair do real sheepdog training and trials. They have a beautiful sister called Sophie as well. This blog is great as it is all about their progress in training. Our human really enjoys reading it and so yes we still bark at them and read their bloggie.
Bark Kent: Do you believe in the Easter Bunny and do you think he will visit you this weekend?
Holly: Of course, doesn't everypup?.... we are hoping to get to the park at Easter time and meet up with some dawgs. Then catch up with family. It should be fun! :-)
Bark Kent: If you could be any any hooman in the world, who would it be and why?
Zac: If we were talking cartoon characters then it would have to be Dennis the Menace because i can act a bit like him sometimes and have been told i look like him...BOL.
For a human it would have to be a Lifeguard on the beach like David Hasselhoff... i can see myself as a real ladies man, love the beach and so that would be fun.
Bark Kent: And Finally, If you could spend an entire week away from each other, where would you go and what would you take with you?
Holly: Erm well in truth i really wouldn't want to leave the little devil, he is annoying at times but also a lot of fun but if i had to go it would be the Beach and i would take with me a very large stack of Tennis balls.
Zac: Holly's choice would work for me too although i wouldn't mind going to the place i went to last year. It was up North and i got to chase sheepies and eat a lot of sheepies poop. (Usually i would get told no if i tried to eat some poop but i could eat loads that day! Yum) So i think i would love to go again and have a go at working some sheep, i would take Craig & Taz with me so they could show me what to do...hehe
Bark Kent: Thank you furry much fur your time today Holly & Zac. It has been a pleasure barking with you!
Holly: It has been fun doing this Bark Kent, thank you for interviewing us and also thank you to everypup that voted for us.
Zac: Yep it has been fun, thanks Bark Kent and all the pups who voted for me and Holly. Also a Happy Easter to all from both of us. :-)
Next weeks nominees are: Agatha & Archie, Khyra, Mango the Maltese & The Painter Pack. Place your votes by using the poll on the right hand side of your screen.
Don't forget to check back tomorrow fur Suzuki's 100th Post and prize give away!
Until next time, this is Bark Kent signing out...
Oh Bark!
Yet another pawesome interwoo from your paws to our eyes!
Oh my - I'm so flattered about the nomination - such great fellow bloggers!
I mean all of us are soooo eager to be interwoo'd by the great Bark Kent!
Hoppy Easter Weekend!
Bravo, Bark Kent! Another great interview! It was fun to learn new things about Holly and Zac. I'll try to stop by tomorrow for Suzuki's 100th post - congratulations!
See ya!
Your interview skill is pawsome, I'm so impressed.
I'm horror, oh no typo typo, I'm honored to be nominated, I'm so excited, Suzuki. Thanks pal.
Great interview Suzi - you are just the most pawsome little girl I know...I'll miss you for Easter but will see you sometime next week - looking forward to our next date........
Big sloppy kisses -
Hi, Bark Kent!
I liked a lot your interview with Holly and Zac!
Their blog is pawesome!
Kisses and hugs
It was very nice to get to know Holly and Zac!! They sound like great dogs!
Bark Kent!
Your interview was pawsome! Nice to know Holly and Zack better =)
And you are a great pro!
Another great interview, Bark! Holly and Zac seem like really cool pups!
Hi Bark Kent, great interview.
For your next interviewee, I vote for Mango.
Great interview once again, Bark!
We loved getting to know Holly and Zac a little bit better!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Another GREAT interview Bark!!!!
each time you became more and more good interviewrer!!!!!!
we're soooooooooooo proud of you!!!
and honored to know one of the best reporter in the world!!!!
we love reading about Holly and Zac....they are a great match!!!!
Have a wonderful easter weekend with all your special family!!!!
see you tomorrow for your 100th post!!!!!!
we love you soooooooooooo much!!
Hi Bark Kent
You are such an excellent interviewer - you got so much more information!
We have never met Holly & Zac but will make a point of it.
Martha & Bailey xx
Oh no.....13th AGAIN!!
Great interview Bark, Holly & Zac are good pals and you did an awesome job getting the best out of them with your questions :o)
Congrats to H&Z and congrats to the new nominees, good luck!
Slobbers xx
Another great interview Bark! :-)
Sniffs and licks,
Hi Bark Kent
Another great interview with Holly and Zac.
lots of woofs
Yet another job well done. Thanks! Have a great Easter holiday.
Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker
What a great interview! Holly and Zac are furry cool doggies!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
What a great interview, those two are very nice and especially to each other. =) I voted.
Sorry it has taken us so long to drop by Bark.
Thank you so much for the interview and for the lovely badge, we love it and will put in our side bar.
Holly & Zac...XX
Hi, Bark...
You did it again...
I'm telling you - you should have your own Talk Show...
Abby xxxooo
That was a pawsome interview and I can't wait for next week's!!! Happy Easter Bark - hope you find many goodies left by Some Bunny!!!!
Hugs and xo,
Great interview!!
Holly & Zac are wonderful friends!
Lots of Luv & kisses
Addie and Lucie
What a great interview!
Tail wags,
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