About Me

My photo
Rockingham, Western Australia, Australia
Big licks to you! My name is Suzuki aka Suzi. I am 8 years old and have lived with my Mum and Dad since I was 6 weeks old! I have a younger sister named Tahlia, a younger brother named Scooby Doo and a rabbit brother named Brandon. I am a water baby, I love the beach and my favourite past time is boogey boarding. I love the colour purple and lots of attention! I am a show off and love to compete in different competitions. I was in the WA finals for Pet Fashion Week in 2006 and I won Mandurah's Cutest Pet in 2007. I am also featured in the 2009 Dog A Day Calendar for the RSPCA as Miss 5th December. I have an older brother named Jerry-Lee who I dont see anymore... Mum says he went to the Rainbow Bridge and I will see him again one day.


Make your own Countdown Clocks


Friday, May 8, 2009

Five Fur Friday #9 DIEGO Readers Choice

Hello loyal readers and welcome to another edition of Five Fur Friday. This week we have another fairly new dog blogger fur me to delve deep into their mind and ask them the questions you didn't even know that you wanted to know the answers to until they were asked.... he's cute, he's fluffy, he hangs around with mega huge celebrities... The one... the only... DIEGO DOG!

Bark Kent: Hi Diego! Thank you fur taking the time to bark with me today.

Diego: Hi Bark. Welcome to my lakefront compound on the shores of Lake Washington. I can't tell you what a pleasure it is to meet you. After being hounded by the press and paparazzi for months, I am glad to finally grant an interview to the only honest reporter on the web. So, let's get to it!

Bark Kent: I like the way you think... So who was the first pup to bark on your blog and do you still bark with them today?

Diego: The first one to bark on my blog was my cousin Winston. He is my main man and handles my East Coast Operations. The first follower on my blog was Mason Dixie. She's my best gal pal to this day.

Bark Kent: Who is the top dog in your house, yourself or Rocky?

Diego: I have to say Rocky is. He's a great brother and has supported me in my career 100%. He doesn't care for publicity and is happy to stay out of the limelight.

Bark Kent: If you were stranded on a desert island, what 3 things would you take with you and why?

Diego: That's a tough one. First would be my favorite book "George Clooney-The Last Great Movie Star". I've learned a lot from George. Second would be one of the fine ladies who blog. Third would be a satellite computer so we could continue to blog to our friends.

Bark Kent: I understand your Mum plays the Native American Flute, do you like to sing along when she is playing?

Diego: Well, to tell the truth I'm getting kind of sick of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. Dad, Rocky and I just smile and tell her she is doing good. She really needs lots of practice.

Bark Kent: Finally, are you a single pup, and if you are, if you could have your choice of any of the female pups out there, who would it be and why?

Diego: Well Bark, when you are in the public eye like I am, I have found that it is best to keep my romantic life under wraps as much as possible. That is another thing I learned from George.

Bark Kent: Thank you furry much fur your time today Diego, it has been a pleasure barking with you!

Diego: It's been awesome having you here in Kirkland.

Bark Kent: Suzuki's Mum has asked me to post an update on Scooby. He now has his new-ters and is currently as high as a kite and passed out on the lounge.

Also don't furget to vote fur who you would like to see interviewed fur next weeks
Five Fur Friday, the nominees are: Asta, Dakota Phatom & Thunder, Nala & Pedro. Vote fur who you would like to see by using the poll on the top right hand side of screen.

And if you can, Please sponsor Suzuki in the RSPCA Million Paws Walk. She is going to be walking to help the animals who need good furever homes. You can use the sponsorship page or you can donate through paypal using the email address shannan_paul@iprimus.com.au just make sure you make a note that it is fur the RSPCA Million Paws Walk and who it is from.

Until next time, this is Bark Kent signing out.


Unknown said...

Hi Suzuki

Keep up the great interviews! You are masterful at gaining intriguing information!


Duke said...

Another great interview, Bark! We haven't visited Diego's bloggie yet!
We're glad Scooby is home and resting!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Abby said...

Hi, Bark...

Another great interview...

I've never met Diego, but after reading your interview, I'm gonna go over there & say Hi...

Tell Scooby to rest & get well...He should get alot of treats, too...

Oh...And, I still haven't seen Scruff...I'm really worried...

Abby xxxooo

Princess Patches said...

Great interview, Bark Kent! We hope Scooby's feeling lots better by now!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Anonymous said...

Hi Suzuki,

I'm glad Scooby is doing well after his surgery!

Yet again, another great interview from Bark Kent! :-)

Sniffs and licks,


the magic sleigh said...

Great interview! keep up the good work. Nice to hear Scooby is comfy with with new terds!
-Kira The BeaWootiful

Brind'Amour Clumbers said...

Wow, you are great at interviewing. I bet you can get anyone to spill their guts! That was better than prime-time TV!


Elizabeth Bergesen said...

Hi Suzuki,

What a great post! It's fun reading about all of the doggies friends. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Another great interview. We just met Diego a couple of weeks ago.. What an awesome pup..
Sure glad Scooby is doing well..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Diego Dog said...


Thanks again for the interview. Next time you visit, come stay at the Malibu beach cottage. You and I can paint the town red!!
I know you were worried when you were here about Scooby, so it's good to hear he's doing well!

Diego Dog

Checkers & Chess said...

that was a great interview - that little Diego is quite a rascal isn't he? Give Scooby a big lick from me

Now Bark - be sure you take good care of my Suzuki [panting heavily]

Allison Walton said...

We iz sorree dat we cannot send woo munney rite now. But we hopes woo have a gud walkie!

Gus and Waldo

Eduardo said...

BOL! Great interview Suzuki! I wonder if Godiva will change her game to Monday so you can play as well? Or maybe you caould just post yours a day early or a day late? I'll talk to Godiva & get back with you!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Lisa said...

We enjoyed reading your interview after we got back from the beach this morning, but we mostly wanted to send lots of get well wishes to Scooby. We've been thinking about him While we've been on vacation and hope that he'll be feeling much better now that his surgery is over.

Tess and Jazz

Golden Samantha said...

You are certainly a super interviewer - it's clear that you spend lots of time doing your homework! Thanks for the great job on Diego! Please send Scooby one of my big, slobbery kisses - we're sending him love!
Happy weekend and Happy Mom's day
Hugs and Licks,
xo Sammie

Rambo said...

OMD! Look at Scooby!! All spaced out on drugs. I hope it doesn't hurt too much when you wake up.
pee ess.. great job Bark Kent

Tee said...

Hi Suzuki,

Fantastic interview! We were most intribued by Diego - was he the Chin Hua Hua in recent Chin Hua Hua story?

We simply must go and check him out.

Also we're glad to hear the Scooby's new-ter went on ok. From the pictures it looks like he's only come back only a head!

Oh dear ...am abit worried now. The Chief's been talking about having me new-tered too!

Licks and Wags

Tuffy and the Dog Woods Pack

Nibbles Treats said...

Love the interview! Another job well-done. Scooby looks like the #1 space-cadet! Hahahaha. Glad he's doing well and feeling.... well, he's not really feeling a thing from the looks of it. Have a great Mom's Day Weekend.

Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Another wonderful interwoo!

It was khool to learn more about Diego!

I'm hoping Diego khan keep an eye on the eagles fur us!

Happy Weekend!

Please take khare of ALL the patients!


bbes tribe said...

Wonderful interview as usual. We enjoyed getting to know more about Diego. We haven't visited his blog yet but will. Glad to know Scooby is doing better.
Wags & Wiggles
Ernie & Sasha

Kimberly said...

you are the funnest blog :) ...
I loved reading about Diego Dog :) hahhahaha

Kimberly said...

HOW IS SCOOBY??? I told Bell that she would probably like Scooby - but that he's taken.... :) she barked!

Anonymous said...

Another great Bark Kent interview! And just think, I actually know a personal friend of George Clooney! Zeke and I hope Scooby feels much better soon.

See ya!

Kelli said...

Congrats on another great interview Bark Kent! It was great to find out more about Diego! I will have to stop by his blog and say hello!
:) Tibby

Paco,Milo, Maya and mommy Simona said...

Clap clap clap clap dear Bark!!!!
Another great interview...
we'venever met Diego, but after reading your interview, we're gonna go over there & say Hi...he look soooooooooooooo fluffy and cute!!!!
Please.....can you Tell Scooby to rest & get well for us????...
He should get a lot of treats,pizza,biscuits.....all that he wants!!!!!!Waawawwaawwaaaaa!!!!
We love you a lot dear friends!!!
have a great weekend....
you will be in our prayers and hearts!!!!
Sweet kisses and licks!!!

Cowspotdog said...

Bravo.......pawesome interview.

So glad to hear scooby is doing okay

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

Another pawsome interview and I be very glad to know Scooby doing ok!
~lickies, Ludo

Mason Dixie said...

What a great interview, with all his popularity it is so cool he stopped to take your questions. =)

Agatha and Archie said...

As always a masterfull interview with great depth and lots of good information...Love A+A

Dughallmor Beagles said...

Oh wow, we feel we've learned so much about Diego thanks to your pawsome interview technique....another good one :D
Great to hear Scooby's doing well too, hope the new-ters does the trick, thanks for the update.
Have a great weekend!
Slobbers xx

Lorenza said...

Hi, Bark Kent!
Sure is interesting to know more about Diego! Great interview!
I am so happy to know Scooby is at home and I hope he will be like new in no time!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Thor and Jack said...

Hi Bark!
Another great interview!
I´m so glad Scooby is doing well!


Mochi and Bali said...

Great interview Bark! It was great to learn about Diego!

I'm glad Scooby is at home and healing ! Take good care of him!


Tweedles -- that's me said...

Great interview!
Learned a lot of news in that!
You always do such a good job.
We hope Scooby is resting and feeling better. Give him our love


Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Once again you've outdone yourself! Diego Dog was a fine interviewee too. George Clooney??
Who is he?
XO-Hootie and BabyRD

Thanks for checking with your daddy about our computer glitch. It's making us ccrrraaaaaaazzzzzzy.

Coco Bean - The Princess said...

Of course you can post your diva photo on Thursday

Maxie said...

Nice interview Bark Kent. Diego is a cutie. I'm sure he's a real ladies man.


Dughallmor Beagles said...

Hey Suzuki, your parcel came today! We weren't expecting it, what a lovely surprise...and so generous, thank you for the cool toys!
Slobbers xx

Anonymous said...

Another gem from Bark. That Diego Dog is lucky to live on Lake Washington; it's a very pretty lake. He sure is a celebrity. We hope that Scooby is feeling better although he looked like he was feeling fine in the picture. Can Scooby takeon an alias now/ How about a romantic latin alias like "Les Cajones."