Tahlia here, and as you are all aware, yesterday was my 7th birthday. My fluffball cousin Scruff kindly offered to pick up my boy Rambo, Suzuki's boy Checkers and Scooby's love of his life, Lady on Thursday so they could be here on time fur Friday, my birthday.

After the initial excitement of our beautiful partners arrival, we decided to spend the day doing what we wanted. Scooby was being fussed over by Lady, every time Mummy tried to get a photo, she would tell Mummy to leave him alone and let him rest. So there are no photos of them until later in the evening.

When Daddy got home, he took Scooby (and Lady) to the Vet and to pick up our dinner. The party really got started when they came back. Stay tuned fur more photos where I get to open some presents from Ludo and Mason Dixie!
Scooby's Vet Outcome: Same vet surgery, different vet... This vet has said that it could be his change in diet that has caused the bleeding, even though Mummy asked the other vet and he said no, it wouldn't be that. He has another course of stronger anti-biotics and he has to wear a cone on his head and if it continues he will have to have an ultrasound next week. The vet believes it is not life threatening.
Tahlia xxx
Hey Tahlia,
Happy 7th birthday. Hope you had a great day.
Hi, You Guys...
Happy Barkday, Tahlia...
Have a fun pawty...
Abby xxxooo
Wow, you guys are sure having fun! Love the surfing piccy! Keep us updated!
Happy Happy Happy Barkday Tahlia!!!
Hope you're having a wonderful day!!!!
can't wait to see the photos of your super pawty!!!!
And we're very very happy that you and your brother and sister could be with your boy and girlfriend!!!!
Lucky guys!!!!
We love you soooooooooooooooo much!!!
Sweet kisses!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great surfing pictures!!
next time...can we come with you???
We would like going on surf!!!
We loved water and sea...but we've never tried to surf!!!
Happy Birthday to you! It sure looks like you all are having a terrific time.
Wags & wiggles,
Looks like a great birthday getaway! Happy bday Tahlia! Scooby - get better Dr. Love pup!
Hugs xo
Happy Birthday Tahlia! Looks like you are in for one good birthday party!!
Hi Tahlia,
Happy Birthday! That party looks like tons of fun..I left an award on my bloggie for you!
Sniffs and licks,
Okay already, I believe you Checkers! Great surfing pic. Happy Birthday Tahlia... you sure know how to throw a party!
so glad every pup has arrived safely so far. =) so looking forward to an awesome night. =)
Happy Birthday Tahlia !
Can't wait to see what you guys did in the party ! Especially Lady! BOL !!
Happy Birthday Tahlia. Looks like a great time was had by all..
Sure glad Scooby is ok.... Get well soon..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Happy Barkday Tahlia!
Pawty on!
PeeEssWoo: Tank woo fur the Skhooby update! How's your mum?
Happy Birthday Tahlia....what a great pawty! Hope the vets get thgis thing with Scooby figured out quickly. :)
Happy birthday, Tahlia! We hope you have the best day ever!
We hope you're back to 100% soon, Scooby!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
hello my sweet - I am home safely - arrived just in time for the Kentucky Derby - I called the race for home - I tried to tell her to pick the horse in the pink silks but she said "No Way" - she shoulda listend to me. I hope that kanagroo is back up on his feet - :-) - What a wonderful time I had - now I must get some sleep - Missing you already
Happy Birthday Tahlia!
I am sure you had a pawesome day!
The change of diet is causing the bleeding to Scooby?? Hmmm...
Take care
Kisses and hugs
PS I hope your mom is feeling better today!
Hello Suziki, thanks for coming by our blog. :)
Happy Barkday Tahlia! Thanks for lettig us know about Scooby. Our big paws crossed!!!
Momo & pinor
Happy Barkday Tahlia. Next time can I come??
ps...I'm glad to hear Scooby is okay.
Heya Tahlia,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY. We think you need a bit more attention since it's your birthday. We hope Scooby and the mom are doing better.
Happy Belated Birthday, Tahlia!
Adele, Vincent & Bella
that is great - i love the surfing pictture HAHAHA - THE KANGAROOS ARE FUNNY AS HECK TOO :)
Looks like everyone had a great time! Thanks for the update on Scooby! I hope he's better soon!
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