Mango: Hi Bark Kent! I have been barkless and sleepless since you gave the honor of being interviewed by Bark Kent. Your warm, sweet voice makes me feel so comfy and relaxed! Oh, I have brought with me a basket of taste of Texas: some Gourmet Tortilla Chips; World Famous Salsa or Texas Caviar; Hot Texas Peanuts; Lone Star cookies; creamy pecan pralines wrapped in a Jalapeño Bandana. Hope it's not too spicy for your delicate taste buds! It doesn't cost me anything Bark Kent, on my way over here, I just help myself while flying through the Cyperspace!

Bark Kent: Thank you furry much Mango! And thank you fur taking the time to bark with me today.
Mango: My pleasure! Now that I'm in between jobs, I'll have plenty of time to kill.
Bark Kent: Mell, lets get started shall we? I understand the love of your life Crystal has temporarily closed her blog, how has this affected you?
Mango: Bark Kent, that affected me so deeply that I can't bark in high pitch anymore! Imagine you awake every morning, thinking on your love, having dreamt of her all night, the pain of separation searing your heart every time a fur or doggy smell brings back the memory of your last encounter. Daydreaming, drawing hearts in the kibbles, constantly thinking "I wish she was here so I could share this moment". But, I have to admit, that does not affect my appetite at all! Strange, huh?
Bark Kent: Furry strange... Do you think Crystal may have been hurt by the "joke" engagement of yourself to Betty recently?
Mango: No, dog, no! Crystal would has been hurt if she found my name in Scooby's dating site, Lookin' Fur Love, hehe! But wag a minute, she did react (nicely) about that Mango pops the question joke: "you sure got me for seconds...me not like April fool day". I even love her more when she's mad, Bark Kent!
Bark Kent: If you could take Crystal on a dream date anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
Mango: I love to take her to somewhere expensive, like the gas station in my neighborhood! Doesn't sound so romantic to you, Bark Kent?
Bark Kent: Furry romantic :) Who was the first pup to bark on your blog and do you still bark
with them today?
Mango: Of whom would you think, Bark Kent? It was Snowy and Crystal, of course. Her mom encouraged my mom creating a blog for me, my mom listened to her mom, my mom started to learn how to turn on a pooter, and here I am! But I'd like to recognize the FIRST VIP besides Snowy and Crystal who sweetly smiling at me then: Girl Girl Hamster, she left me a warm welcome message that brightened my day: " Hello Mango, I'm a friend of Snowy & Crystal. You're a cute doggie. Hope to see more post of you". Girl Girl has left us for the rainbow bridge but she is furever in my heart! Yes, I still bark loudly at them!
Bark Kent: Rest in Peace Girl Girl... And finally, if you could be any other breed of dog, what would you be and why?
Mango: Can I be another specie, please?
Bark Kent: Of course!
Mango: I would love to be a dragonfly! I love to watch those delightful creatures, their jeweled bodies and their transparent wings fluttering through the evening mist have always amazing me.

Bark Kent: What a pawsome choice. Thanks again fur barking with me today Mango.
Mango: Thanks Bark Kent, it has been an uplifting spirit chatting with you. Your interview skills are second to none.
Next week the winner of Suzuki's 100th Post Contest, Tessa, and myself will be interviewing the lovely Coco the Princess. I am furry excited. Voting fur the week after will begin sometime this weekend. The nominees are still to be announced.
Until next time, this is Bark Kent signing out.
Bsrk Bark Bark!
Woo did it again!
Of khourse, Mango made it furry easy to do such a great interwoo!
Mom is still in awe of the basket AND the dragonfly!
Tank woo both again!
I agree! Your interview skills are second to none. Another great interview, Bark!
See ya!
My my my!
I feel like a celebrity today.
My mom printed out the interview to post it in her work's break room. My name is Mango but they call me "spoiled rotten brat".
I can imagine they say: that spoiled rotten brat got the interview done with Bark Kent!
Love ya lot, thanks again for granted me the great interview!
Ah! Another jewel is added to the illustious crown of the distinquished Bar Kent, mild pup and reporter for a great metropolitan newspaper, who fights a never ending battle for truth justice and the Australian way. Are you able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. Are you more powerful than a locomotive. Are you faster than a speeding bullet.
Very good interview, yer a natural! We have never visited little Mango, we'll head over there and introduce ourselves.
Feather, Darla, Pappy & LizzaBella
Hi, Bark Kent!
I loved your interview with Mango. I know how much he misses Chrystal!
Kisses and hugs
Terrific Interview Bark! Mango - my mommy and the little one's totem is the dragonfly [as a Texan you understand totems] - so, maybe if you come back as a dragonfly you could protect them :-)
w00f's, pawtastic interview, bark kent..Mango iz one of our favorites here...and us misses Snowy and Crystal tooo...
b safe,
Hmmm, a dragonfly...interesting choice. I guess he could fly then to go see his love Crystal. :)
An interesting interview!
Adele, Vincent & Bella
Once again, you did it. It was a super dooper interview and Mango did a great job answering the qq.
Can hardly wait for you duo-interview next week.
BabyRD & Hootie
Another great interview! It was very nice learning about Mango! :)
oh how i love this five fur friday editions of yours Mr. Kent.. or can I call you "Bark"? BOL!
We cant wait to learn more about Coco! Furry good job!
drooly kisses,
that was some pawsome interview but I was wondering - does Bark Kent have another side to him - maybe a super hero side?
Excellent interview Bark Kent, as always! I love reading your interviews cuz I get to learn about old (and possibly new) friends!
Sniffs and licks,
Great interview with Mango! O.O Mango wish to be a dragonfly? So interesting!
best regards
Great job again!
Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker
Hi, Bark...
Another wonderful interview...
I hope Mango's sweet Crystal & her adorable brother, Snowy come back soon...We all miss them...
Abby xxxooo
Another great interview, Bark!
Tail wags,
You have such erudite guests Bark - well done!
Martha & Bailey xx
wow what a great interview! mango did a great job--was surprised about the dragonfly....
Clap clap clap clap clap!!!
Another GREAT Interview Bark!!!!!
We love Mango...he's a very special friend for us and we're proud of him!!!!!!!!
He's very very sad about Christal and hope she's coming back soon so our mango could feel good yet!!!!
Well done bark!!!!!!!!!!
can't wait to read your next interview!!!!
Sweet kisses!!!!!!!!
You have been nominated for Post of the Month over at the Bone Zone - head on over and cast your vote :)
Another great interview, Bark! Mango is such a sweetie!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
What a great interview, a dragonfly? who would of ever thought. )
That's an amazing interview and how nice that Mango remembers dear Angel Girl girl. :)
~ Bae
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