Hello furry friends. Tahlia was really bugging me to post today so she could show you what
Rambo got her fur her birthday but Mummy has not downloaded the photos yet so she will be posting tomorrow. Instead, here are our entries fur
Minnie Moo's Challenge. Tahlia chose that photo especially fur Rambo. I hope you like them.
RADIO PUPDATE: Radio is now eating small amounts of food and is able to keep it down. He is also beginning to get some of his energy back. He is still not out of the woods though. Fur a more detailed pupdate please check out the
Bumpass Hounds blog.
Big licks to you
What great Face In Hole pictures! Scooby's is especially funny! We're glad Radio is doing a little better.
See ya!
Joey and Zeke
hellow beautful girl - those are some pawsome face in the hole shots.......You look furrifiic
sniffs and licks
I went over to see Radio.. how sweet.
Great pictures! Thank you for the welcome back - we are trying to catch up with everyone.Pleased to hear Radio doing a bit better.
The competition looks fun!
Martha & Bailey xxx
Great hole in the face photos. he he
Brillant Face in Hole pictures!
lots of woofs
Great photo's ..
That Radio is so cute.. We stopped by and said hey..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Another pawesome post!
What interesting pictures! I hope Radio feels better
best regards
OMD....those are great! You crack us up Suzuki!
Loving them!
Oh my word, it's going to be sooooo hard to choose a winner!
Hi, Suzi!
Those are pawesome pictures!
Specially yours. It look sooo real!
Glad to know Radio is doing better!
Kisses and hugs
What great Face In Hole pictures!!!!!!!!!!!
you're very very very photogenics!!!!!!!!!
you're sooooooooooo funny!!!!!!!
Thanks for sharing with us....we're laughing a lot with mommy!!!!!
And YEPPYYYYYYYY......We're glad Radio is doing a little better!!!!!!
Lots of love and kisses dear friends......
Those are great photos for the contest. I'm sure Rambo will definitely love that picture of Tahlia! Whoa! I've posted about the package you sent me so please stop by my blog to read it. Thank you sooooo much for everything!
that photos are great :D
hugs from kikos world :D
tell Tahlia she is one hot doggie!! I like her Face In Hole photo.
But I like her better just the way she is...all dog.
Hi Suz,
We're going in the Million Paws Walk too and we're doing the sponsorship thingy as well. It should be good. Hopefully the weather will be nice.
Good stuff about Radio!!
You made our tails wag and our snouts smile.
Happy weekend,
jake and Fergi
You made our tails wag and our snouts smile.
Happy weekend,
jake and Fergi
Great picture of face in hole!
Quite funny!
Glad Radio is better!
Great pictures! :)
Sorry I have not sent out your prize yet. I wanted to send you a yummy treat, but my favorite store was out. Mom is going back to check this week.
Great Face in Hole pictures! They are really funny!
We made our moms so happy on pet mom's day, didn't we?
Ta ta! We made it, we just sponsored you for the million paws walk!
Gosh, it took us weeks to figure out how to register, we're so proud of ourselves, hehe!
Happy Million Paws Walk Suzuki!
Those are great face in the hole photos. Thanks for posting about Radio. Radio is now Radar and he is an official Bumpass hound foster brother. He is doing great now. He's still on some medications but he is eating well and his poopies are apparently normal. Mom checks each one to make sure it isn't watery because of the parvo. We all feel bad that he has to saty quarantined. We can't wait to meet him and play.
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