Bark Kent: Hi Mason Dixie. Congratulations on being this weeks Readers Choice Five Fur Friday interviewee.
Mason Dixie: Thank you for having me and thank you to all those pups who voted for me. I am truly in the presence of greatness.
Bark Kent: Lets get straight into shall we? You have a furry unusual name... Do you know why your Mum chose that name fur you?
Mason Dixie: Well originally mom wanted to get two Golden Retrievers and name the male Mason and the female Dixie. Unfortunately at the time she was unable to get my brother and just adopted me, and now I have both names. Mom is kinda of a country girl and thought the name suited me.
Bark Kent: Indeed it does. Do you prefer to be called Mason, Dixie or Mason Dixie?
Mason Dixie: Well Mason is just fine, I also respond to honey bunny, Mason wason, nutter butters and of course My Mason
Bark Kent: I have been told that you have quite a few admirers... Is there anybody special in your life right now?
Mason Dixie: Oh anybody special............... well honestly Bark Kent I am torn between a few pups. I have a lot of love to give and I am quite smitten with the love I am receiving.
Bark Kent: If you were stranded on a desert island, what three things would you take with you?
Mason Dixie: My wubba, one of my stuffies and of course my mom. =)
Bark Kent: Lastly, Who was the first pup to bark on your blog and do you still bark with them today?
Mason Dixie: My first follower was Thor, and I was quite impressed at his popularity and his blog site. I really admired him and worked hard at making a good impression. We still keep in touch. He is a great pal.
Bark Kent: Thank you again fur barking with me today and fur sharing your Five Fur Friday.
Mason Dixie: Oh thank you again for having me. This was a lot of fun. Can not wait to see who you interview next week.
Bark Kent: The poll is still open fur who you want to see interviewed next week. And the nominees are: Maggie & Mitch, Mochi, Ransom & Tweedles.
Don't furget to check back tomorrow fur Scooby's Single Saturdays.
Until next time this is Bark Kent signing out.
Another great interview - well done, Bark Kent!
lots of woofs - Clive
wow bark kent... taht is one cool interview.. i should stay tuned every friday and makes this my friday habit.. hehe
we vote for our pals Maggie and Mitch!! :D
drooly kisses,
Yayyy Mason, or should I say Hunny Bunny....or not? I am devastated, heartbroken, crushed! Great interview Bark!
Sniffly slobbers, Alfie xx
We so look forward to Fridays for your exclusive interview with the dogs who are in vogue.
We loved hearing all about Mason and were fascinated to learn how she came by her name as we had wondered.
We are so glad that she loves her mom and would take her to a desert island with her!
Looking forward to next week's exciting interview.
Bye for now Bark Kent,
Martha & Bailey xx
ps would it be possible for you to start collecting pawprints for us Bark - starting with your own!
Excellent interviewing skills Bark Kent!
Sniffs and licks,
Another great interview Kent! You ask all the important questions and I is glad to see Mason would choose to take a wubba with her, what a good choice.
~lickies, Ludo
Excellent interview Bark Kent!
It´s great to know interesting facts about our dear friends.
Glad to hear those kind words about me from Mason :D
Your skills as an interwooer are so impressive!
That was furry khool!
I learned sooo much!
Well done!
What a great interview, Bark Kent! We have always wondered how Mason Dixie got her name!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Great interview. It's so nice to read about our friends.
Hugs to Mason Dixie and Hugs to you, Mr. Kent!
You are an excellent interviewer, Bark Kent! I learned so much about Mason Dixie. I'd like to see interviews with all those doggies sometime.
See ya!
Nice job Suzuki! (: Great interview. If it was me, i would bring my food if i stuck on a island XD
i would like to cast my vote for Maggie & Mitch! (:
best regards
Again, a job well done. We love Mason. She holds a very special place in our hearts and you did a fine job with your interview.
Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker
Oh, man, Bark Kent...there is an aggregious error in this post that needs prompt attention!...
I was clicking onto all the links of the nominees for next week's feature to check out the competition. I clicked on Maggie and Mitch last because I had already checked them out yesterday. After checking out all the other really cool nominees, though, I went back to visit Maggie and Mitch again because I really had a good time reading their blog yesterday and I wanted to go back and say "Hi" again...well, imagine my surprise when I found myself once more gazing at the delightful Tweedles getting ready for her ocean vacation. I thought my mouse has slipped so I hit the back button and went back to the "Maggie and Mitch" link and tried it again...and again...and again. Every time it takes me straight to dear, sweet Tweedles!
I think you need to address this problem right away. Instead of being directed to TWEEDLES, the "Maggie and Mitch" link should direct people to RANSOM! I mean, Tweedles already has tons of people following her every paw step...it is RANSOM who needs the extra exposure! Come on now! I am amazed I even had to bring this to your attention! I will be checking back in soon, Bark Kent, to see if you have fixed this aggregious error. While you are at it, can you make Mochi's link direct people to my blog, too...I'm sure Mochi won't mind!
BTW, LOVED this week's interview! You rank right up there with the pros!
I can't wait to be in the spotlight next week!!!!
Oh, and my nasty Spokeswoman pointed out that I spelled egregious wrong not once but TWICE. She is such a nosy bother! I think SHE is planning on voting for Maggie and Mitch...or maybe Mochi or Tweedles. I don't know how I ever got saddled with such an uncooperative, obnoxious Spokesperson when all the other bloggers out there seem to really wonderful people.
Thanks Ransom :)
The link has been fixed now... Probably not how you wanted though :)
Big licks to you
Oh dear, RANSOM apologizes for her arrogance and her poor spelling!
WHAT????!!! Is it any wonder that the Ninjas can't wait to get away from that woman?!
I do NOT apologize for anything. My spelling is actually quite immaculate! 'Egregious' is the only word I have EVER misspelled in my entire blogging career...unlike my Spokesperson who is KNOWN for coming up with rather imaginative spellings! SHE is even known for using words that do not exist and arguing until she is blue in the face that they ARE real words...drives the Spokesguy nuts! (I've heard those conversations!)
As for "arrogant"...how utterly ridiculous. I was merely making the foregone conclusion that I will be the next featured dog. I mean it is pretty obvious that even though there are really terrific dogs in the competition, none of them stand a chance against me! Realizing that I am CHARISMATIC, exceedingly INTELLIGENT, and amazingly TALENTED isn't "arrogant", it is simply perceptive. I am a very perceptive dog.
w00f's, love ur bark kent interviews...execellent job u done..
b safe,
Absolutely, this is our own Doggie-60 minutes! Boootiful!
"Honey Bunny"? That's so sweet!
Thank you Bark Kent for the great time, and I enjoyed our meeting. Have a great weekend and looking forward to the next interview. =)
Hi Bark Kent!
Great interview! Mason Dixie is a special girl, I am glad we got to learn more about her!
:) Tibby
Clap clap clap clap!!!!
another super interview!!!!
Well done!!!!
we love your job and reading about our friends...Mason Dixie is a special girl and is bootiful read about her!!!
Thanks for sharing with us!!!
Can't wait to read next interview!!!!
kisses and licks!!!!
Excellent interview Bark kent! You are such a natural. It was very fun to learn new stuff about Mason Dixie.
Doggy kisses,
Hi, Bark...
Another Great Interview...
Can't wait to see who's next...
Abby xxxooo
Wow that Mason is really special Bark Kent. You are really great at giving interviews. You didn't get her to break though!! Who is that favorite paw?
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Great interview, very informative, we always wondered how Mason Dixie got her name. Thanks for letting us know.
Feather, Darla & Pappy, the TN Bull Terrors
Well done Bark Kent! I enjoyed reading about Mason Dixie ...
I've become one of her admirers now!!
Licks and Wags
Tuffy of Dog Woods
Hey there, Suzuki! We iz so happee dat woo visited arr blog! Isn't woo da one and only Suzuki da Surfur?? We fink dat iz sooo amayzing! We would love to be friends wif woo!
Gus and Waldo
Hi, Bark Kent!
Pawesome interview with Mason Dixie!
But she did not tell us about her boyfriends!
Kisses and hugs
That was another great interview, Bark Kent! Mason Dixie has a very cute name! Thanks for sharing her interview with us!
Great interview, Bark Kent! We were never sure if we should call Mason by just her first name or both names and now you've cleared that up for us! Thank you!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
That was a good interview. We have seen Mason Dixie's comments on friends' blogs and seeing that she shares a name with our Dixie we will go over and check out her blog.
Great Interview Bark Kent !!! And terrific topic!
Gotta go chew something
Hi Suzuki! Thanks for visiting my blog! It was great to learn more about Mason Dixie from your interview....what a great idea! :) Have a super weekend!
Great interview with Mason Dixie. She is a very beautiful girl and I can see why she has so many admirers!
Swell interview. We are so gald you cleared up the name thing. Mommy told us Mason was a boy, but we knew she was wrong! Silly hooman! Looking forward to your next interviewee. (It seems our vote hasn't been counted. The number stayed the same.)
XOXO-BabyRD & Hootie
Ooops. Nevermind, it's (our vote) showing up now.
Another pawtastic interview. We always wondered about Mason Dixie's name - and now we know thanks to Bark Kent!!!
Woos, the OP Pack
Hi Suzuki!
That was a great interview!
I wanted to know about her name! hmmm honey bunny, Mason wason, nutter butters, my Mason...
Thank you!
Another trophy from Bark kent. Truly an awe inspiring interview with one of the up and coming celebrities of the DWB world.
- The Bumpass Hounds
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