Big licks to you!
My name is Suzuki aka Suzi. I am 8 years old and have lived with my Mum and Dad since I was 6 weeks old! I have a younger sister named Tahlia, a younger brother named Scooby Doo and a rabbit brother named Brandon.
I am a water baby, I love the beach and my favourite past time is boogey boarding. I love the colour purple and lots of attention! I am a show off and love to compete in different competitions. I was in the WA finals for Pet Fashion Week in 2006 and I won Mandurah's Cutest Pet in 2007. I am also featured in the 2009 Dog A Day Calendar for the RSPCA as Miss 5th December. I have an older brother named Jerry-Lee who I dont see anymore... Mum says he went to the Rainbow Bridge and I will see him again one day.
Look at the difference in our paw sizes :) I don't mind though, Rambo is a BIG chi. All muscle of course! Please excuse my ratty looking nails. We don't like clippers and Mum is waiting on our new Pedi-Paws to arrive. Thank you Rambo!
Rambo's cousin Pedro needs rocks fur his coffee table. So, a few weeks ago we went looking fur some fur him. Check out what we found over at Pedro's blog. Tahlia xxx
Hey Suz, Can u check to see if our donation for the Million Paws Walk worked. It gave us a strange message after we finished so we're not really sure if it went through.
Tahlia, I'm glad you like your presents! I wish I could have been there when you opened them, but my personal assistant was slacking again. Your paw is very pretty and a little bigger than mine but its okay cause we can still hold paws. I miss you! love, Rambo
those are wonderful are a lucky girl. I hope you had a great day......and it is okay if you don't want to share all your goodies with the others
I just love LOVE!!! I think it is so furry sweet!! Good luck with the pedi-paws thingy...we got one and mommy can't get anyone to be still enough to use it!! We wiggle!!
Awwwwwww....sweet sweet sweet post!! LOVE IS IN THE AIR!!!!!!!! Rambo have sent you wonderful presents dear Tahlia...he sure loves you a lotttttt!!! we're very happy you have had a wonderful birthday... you deserve it because you're a very very special girl and we love you a lot!! And happy happy happy mother's day to your wonderful mommy!!! Give her lots of kisses and licks from us!! Woowoowowoooooo!!!!!
Aw, what nice birthday presents. And we just came from Pedro's place and saw all those great rocks and what a neat place they came from - wow! Happy Mother's Day to your mum - we hope her back is feeling better.
Hello Suzuki! This is my first time to your blog, and I came here by way of Pedro's amazing post concerning the rocks you sent to him.
Those were awesome rocks you found, but even more amazing was the info Pedro gave to us about you. Boogie boarding? Really? I'll be sure to add you to my blog list so I can read more about in the days to come.
Happy Barkday Tahlia! Pawsome gift from Rambo, he's a nice pal. We made our moms so happy on pet mom's day, didn't we? Ta ta! We made it, we just sponsored you for the million paws walk! Gosh, it took us weeks to figure out how to register, we're so proud of ourselves, hehe! Happy Million Paws Walk Suzuki!
Please click on the photo to see how you can help these strays who were rounded up and dumped on a remote island to die
Scooby Doo
We are all friends of Beau who want to see him come home!
Beau was stolen from his Mum's home on the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia on the 1st July 2003. Please spare a moment of your time to view his website, you could be the missing link to bring Beau home!
Oh my!
Love is soooo furry special!
Woo are khwite the lukhky girrrrl!
I saw your rokhks earlier today! Furry nice!
I sent some too!
PeeEssWoo: Happy Mum's Day!
Hey Tahlia,
Glad you had a pawsome birthday.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
Hey Suz,
Can u check to see if our donation for the Million Paws Walk worked. It gave us a strange message after we finished so we're not really sure if it went through.
How sweet! Glad you had such a special barkday.
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xx
My cousin is a gentledawg and I'm glad he's treating you like a queen! Happy birthday!
pee ess - I updated the post with some of the new information Suzuki emailed me last night.
Happy Birthday Tahlia! You have some nice pressies there.
Hi, Tahlia...
What great presents from Rambo...
You guys sent some great rocks to Pedro for his table...
Abby xxxooo
aww, puppy love... woof, tank
Happy Birthday Tahlia.
Happy Mom's Day to your Mom..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Hi Tahlia,
Happy Barkday! You got lots of nice presents. :-)
Sniffs and licks,
What a cute couple you two are!
Wags & wiggles,
Wow, what fun presents you got! Happy birthday Tahlia, glad you had fun. Tail wags - JD and Max.
We agree with Miss Khyra--you are a very lucky girl indeed. Rambo is quite a catch (but then again, so are you, Tahlia!)
I'm glad you like your presents! I wish I could have been there when you opened them, but my personal assistant was slacking again.
Your paw is very pretty and a little bigger than mine but its okay cause we can still hold paws.
I miss you!
Nice presents you have!!!
hugs and kisses from kikos world
My Cousin Rambo is quite the charmer isnt he!? Im glad he's treating you like a Princess
Tail Wiggles & Puppy Kisses,
Coco - The Princess
Hi, Tahlia!
Rambo sent you pawesome presents!
Enjoy them!
Kisses and hugs
Hi Tahlia,
A Very Happy Birthday to you Tahlia. We're glad you had a wonderful day! We hope that you have many more.
And a very Happy Mom's Day to your Mom too.
Wiggles and nisses (nose kisses),
Peace, Tessa
What grrrreat presents! I love Rambo's little pawprint!
~lickies, Ludo
That is a great present Tahlia. Birthdays are such fun aren't they?. :-)
Holly & Zac...XX
Happy Birthday, Tahlia! What a fantatic package to get!
Honey the Great Dane
What a great bunch of pressies Tahlia got. Hope she had a wonderful day.
Woos, the OP Pack
those are wonderful are a lucky girl. I hope you had a great day......and it is okay if you don't want to share all your goodies with the others
I just love LOVE!!! I think it is so furry sweet!! Good luck with the pedi-paws thingy...we got one and mommy can't get anyone to be still enough to use it!! We wiggle!!
Mya Boo Boo
Tahlia got some great presents!!!
Awwwwwww....sweet sweet sweet post!!
Rambo have sent you wonderful presents dear Tahlia...he sure loves you a lotttttt!!!
we're very happy you have had a wonderful birthday...
you deserve it because you're a very very special girl and we love you a lot!!
And happy happy happy mother's day to your wonderful mommy!!!
Give her lots of kisses and licks from us!!
Happy Birthday, Tahlia! Great presents from Rambo... he obviously loves you lots! Happy Mommy Day to your mommy!
Happy Birfday Tahlia girl! although, I think you should tell Suzuki it's your bday, not hers:)--a little too close to the goodies.
Let us know how the pedi-paw works out.
kiss kisses,
Happy barkday Tahlia!!!
What pawsome gifts from Rambo.
I'm sure you loved your birthday presents Tahlia. :)
~ Bae
Hey pals
Thanks for the pawesome donation. We're really looking forward to doing the walk (and not having to look after the B&B hehe)
Aw, what nice birthday presents. And we just came from Pedro's place and saw all those great rocks and what a neat place they came from - wow! Happy Mother's Day to your mum - we hope her back is feeling better.
Your pals,
Joey and Zeke
Hello Suzuki! This is my first time to your blog, and I came here by way of Pedro's amazing post concerning the rocks you sent to him.
Those were awesome rocks you found, but even more amazing was the info Pedro gave to us about you. Boogie boarding? Really? I'll be sure to add you to my blog list so I can read more about in the days to come.
Happy Barkday, Tahlia! We hope you had a really great day!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
omdog what wonderful pressies!! I am glad you had a great barkday!
Cute paw with the card picture. :)
Those a really cool gifts!
Cool! My Old Girl has been thinking about that PediPaws thing. Tell me if it works OK...and it's not too scary...
That's a sweet birthday gift.
Happy belated barkday Tahlia! what nice gifts you gotten.
btw, Suzuki ... your mom really shave you? it must be frezzing when the winter comes. you better prepare a heap of thick clothing!
best regards
Happy Barkday Tahlia!
Pawsome gift from Rambo, he's a nice pal.
We made our moms so happy on pet mom's day, didn't we?
Ta ta! We made it, we just sponsored you for the million paws walk!
Gosh, it took us weeks to figure out how to register, we're so proud of ourselves, hehe!
Happy Million Paws Walk Suzuki!
Happy, happy day.
Happy birthday, Tahlia!
What lovely pressies! We hope you had the best day ever!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Happy Happy Barkday Tahlia,
From Dog Woods with much slobbery licks and affectionate wags
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