This morning when Mum woke up, she put Beverley Hills Chihuahua on the DVD player fur Daddy to watch. He will nevfur admit it, but, he liked it :)
We watched it with her a few weeks ago. Tahlia was upset afterwards because it made her think of Rambo and she misses him.
On a happier note, our cousin Scruff has been spotted at a coyote feeding station.
Khyra suggested that maybe Zim could help us get him back since he speaks coyote.
Hopefully he says yes... I'm sure Bark Kent will be grateful, she is furry fond of Scruff :)
Big licks to you
Lazy Sunday! Our favourite day!
Rufus and Indie
HI Suzuki,
I hope Scruff is soon found, safe and sound.
Sunday's are lazy here too.
Wags & wiggles,
Hey Suzi! Wowzers, that looks comfy!
I stopped by Scruff's blog and had a chat with the coyotes. They appear to be taking good care of your cuz and said they'll help get him on his way home! Fear not!
Play bows,
Oh, there is nothing better than sleeping in with Mom and Dad, except, of course, ice cream, popcorn, carrots, pickels, etc. Hope your cousin continues to stay safe until found. ~Twix
we often have lazy sundays - although we don't have TV in the bedroom - mom refuses to put one there - i got a package from you but mom is having trouble getting the pictures to load - I have been running around with your lock of hair tho - I love being close to you
Hi, Suzuki...
Nothing like a lazy Sunday Morning...
I hope Zim can figure out a way to get Scruff home...
We all miss him soooo much...
Abby xxxooo
Have a good one!
We love Sundays too - enjoy!
Martha & Bailey xx
He he he. Your dad likes BH Chee-Waa-Waa!! That's funny. Our daddy is a softy too...They look gruff with all that facial fur, but WE know their true selves.
Is Scruff still amoung the missing?? Coyotes can be fierce!Gee, we haven't been around too much lately, but thought he'd be found by now.
BabyRocketDog & Hootie
Hey Suzuki
What's up man???...the sun is shining and you should be outside running trenches in the garden!!!
With love
Max &Co
Don't you looks so cozy there snuggled up to Dad!
Happy Sunday, the OP Pack
I knew Zim would be glad to help!
I so hope Skhruff will be bakhk soon!
Woo look soooooo furry khomfy with your dad
Hi, Suzi!
I love lazy sundays too!
My mom is at home the whole weekend but on saturdays she is always doing all the house cleanning and other things around the house and sundays... she is al mine!
We watched BH Chihuahuas last weekend and we liked it a lot too!
Kisses and hugs
We love lazy Sundays too!
Beverly Hills Chihuahua came out here on DVD just this weekend and guess who was in the supermarket buying it yesterday!! The little man has only watched it about 10 times since then!!
lots of woofs
Hi Suzuki!
Looks like you ahd a great sunday! Lucky you!
Happy Trails
Ziggy Marley
you look very comfy for a Sunday morning. =)
Hi Suzuki,
What a nice Sunday morning!
Adele, Vincent & Bella
Sunday mornin is one of my favorite times on a counta I get to loll wif the Mom in the bed few extra hours!
Just want to let you know I left you an award on my blog... and I hope you will visit and pick it up!
Please know how much I love your blog and this award passed to you through bottom of my heart!
wif love from the Luke
This is the best way to spend a Sunday morning- snuggled with the dad!
Have a nice week
Lucky pups get to sleep in the bed! You all look so comfy! :)
sounds like a great sunday morning - we love weekend when our mommy is home they are the best. But we dont stay in bed we spend the whole weekend making mommy take to places
Woodrow Sweetie MJ
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