Coco - Hi Bark Kent! First I would like to say that I am truly honored to have been chosen by Tessa to be interviewed by you. This is truly an honor and a moment that I will treasure forever
Tessa - Coco, how did you get your pretty name? How did you get to be a Princess?
Coco – Mommy and Daddy brought me home when I was about 3 weeks old. They talked about tons of names such as Honey & sugar…but mommy said that I looked like a little “Coco Bean” because I was so tiny (I fit in the palm of my mommy’s hand. I didn’t even have any teeth I was so young). Daddy fell in love with that name. So they called me Coco Bean but then daddy realized that I was more of a princess so now they call me Coco The Princess…but they still call me Coco Bean too...it’s kind of like a cute family nickname that only my mommy and daddy call me.
Bark Kent - Who was the first pup to bark on your blog and do you still bark with them today?
Coco – this is a funny story. Stanislaw (http://www.ieatrawmeat.blogspot.com/) was a blog that my followed for about 6 months before she bought me. My mommy loved reading about Stanislaw and Big Pupi’s blog. Stanislaw was the very first furkid to leave a comment on my blog and it is because of Stanislaw and Big Pupi’s blog that my mommy was inspired to start a blog for me! Without Stan and Big Pupi I never would have met so many wonderful friends. And yes, I still follow Stanislaw and big Pupi’s blog and we still bark with each other!
Tessa - Coco, we all know that your Mommy works all day and goes to school at night and your Daddy works all day. Who takes care of you and your 2 new sisters all day? Do you all go to daycare or do you have a nanny?
Coco – Well, My daddy only works 2 miles from home. So at 7:20 mommy puts the puppies in the puppy pen and puts a weeble-pad outside the pen for me. I run loose all day. Daddy comes home from 11-12 and plays with all of us. Then he comes back home at 3pm. Mommy is home by 5pm. Mommy only goes to school on Monday nights from 6-10 so daddy amuses us while mommy is studying. Realistically, we are never home for more than three and a half hours alone. When we are home alone (me and my sisters) I keep them company and make sure that they stay warm and I clean their bottoms after they potty too!
Bark Kent - If you could teach Truffles & Lady Godiva any trick in the world, what would it be and why?
Coco – If I could give my little sisters anything it would be as follows:
Lady Godiva -I would give her the gift of sight. Mommy & Auntie Gizelle discovered yesterday that she is not completely blind but she is very close to it.
Truffle – I would teach her how to be more lady like. She tends to be incredibly pushy and assertive.
But first things first…POTTY TRAINING! I would teach them that they have to potty on the weeble-pad in the kitchen and not on my carpet!
Tessa - Coco, I understand that where you lived prior to your Forever Home was quite horrendous, can you tell us all about how your Mommy and Daddy came about finding you and bringing you home at 3 weeks old?
Coco – My mommy found me on a web site called http://www.kijiji.com/. My mommy showed my picture to my daddy and daddy jumped out of his chair pointing at the computer screen screaming “THAT ONE! I WANT THAT ONE!”. It was love at first sight. That was on a Friday afternoon and on Sunday morning mommy & daddy picked me up and brought me to my forever home. I have attached the photo that was posted on my advertisement that my parents fell in love with.
Until next time, this is Bark Kent signing out.

Another great DIAMOND of an interwoo (I see my WORD is carat)!
Tank woo fur sharing all the khool AND khute fakhts!
I'll keep my paws khrossed fur Scooby's issue to be easily solved!
Oh I will sure go to Tahlia's birthday party ! So that I can meet my boy too ! haha, Glad to hear that he is better now !
Happy Weekend !!!
Great interview! We love learning more about our doggy friends.
We're hoping Scooby will be all better soon.
Wags & wiggles,
Hi, Bark...
Another great interview & a very special one at that...
I hope Scooby's keeps getting better & they find it is nothing too serious...
My paws are still crosses...
Abby xxxooo
great interview!!! that picuture of coco is just so cute! i hope that Scooby will get better!
best regards
Another great interview!
:) Good job!
We're crossing our paws for Scooby, keep us updated!
Great interview!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
You are a dedicated journalist Bark - another indepth interview.
We are hoping all is well with Scooby - basset paws remain crossed!
Martha & Bailey xx
Give Scooby Puppy Kisses from me and my sissters
Tail Wiggles & Puppy Kisses,
Coco The Princess, Lady Godiva & Truffle
Great Interview Bark! you do such a good job! Glad to know Scooby is feeling better!
Big sloppy licks to my Suzuki
Another pawtastic interview bark!
Hope Scooby's not too poorly sick.
~lickies, Ludo
Good interview. Coco's a cutie.
We're glad Scooby's bleeding has stopped. Hope that's the end of it.
Love Ruby & Penny
Great interview, Bark! And thanks for getting the update on Scooby! We will be saying lots of prayers for him!
Great interview! well done
HATE to see anyone buy a dog on KIJIJI though .... ;-(
what a nice interview!
have a great weekend...
Great interview Bark Kent!
I'll continue praying that scooby gets better over the weekend.
Your pal,
Enjoy your interviews. Very interesting. We are keeping our paws crossed Scooby continues to improve.
Ernie & Sasha
Heya Bark,
That's another excellent interview. You must've aced journalism school. We're glad to hear the Scooby's bleeding stop. Wehad dad read about the trauma possibility and dad kinds had to go lay down. We're keeping the good vibe machine cranking for Honey and Scooby. Please keep us informed.
- The Bumpass Hounds and kitties
Another sterling interview Bark!
We just popped over to say Happy Anzac Day! (Noah reminded us)
And to see how Scooby is doing, thanks for keeping us up to date, lots of pups are worried about him. Hopefully it's nothing serious and glad to hear he's doing a bit better today :D
Slobbers xx
Hi, Bark Kent!
I enjoyed your interview with Coco. I love her and her little sisters!
I still have my paws crossed for Scooby!
Kisses and hugs
What a great interview, you are really good at these. Such a cute puppy she was, and it. =) Hope Scooby it just a little trauma and nothing more serious.
Great interview, having 2 interviewers make it interesting for sure! We're off to visit Coco's blog!
Feather, Darla, Pappy & LizzaBella
We enjoyed that interview.
Simba and Jazzi xxx
GREAT interview as usual!!
Sure hope Scooby is feeling back to his old self soon! Sending him lots of slobbers from far away...
Honey the Great Dane
Great interview and we are keeping our paws crossed for Scooby and that everything will be alright.
Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker
Great interview!
Another wonderful interview, Bark!
Our paws remain crossed for Scooby!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Stop by the blog, Suz! I've given you an award!
Play bows,
Hi Bark,
As always a great interview. Thanks again, we had a great time with helping out.
We are glad to hear that Scooby is getting better.
Nose Kisses,
Great interview as always and glad that it doens't seem to be something serious with Scooby. :)
Yay! That was another great interview!
I'm keeping my paws crossed for Scooby!!!
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