Mummy still not good.
Scooby improving.
Please sponsor me in the RSPCA Million Paws Walk. I'm going to be walking to help the animals who need good furever homes.
Please sponsor me in the RSPCA Million Paws Walk. I'm going to be walking to help the animals who need good furever homes.
Suz, We sure hope your mommy gets better soon. Momma will pray for her recovery.
Now, about this run.Our Mommy's credit card charges an outrageous amt if charges are made overseas. Send us your address & she'll send a check. Her email is cassiejo@juno.com
Smooches, BRD & Hootie
Hi, Suzuki,
it's great to hear about some improvements...my daddy has problems with his back too and sometimes he can hardly walk...so, I hope your mommy will be better soon.
Kisses and hugs,
One down, one to go!
Maybe Skhooby khan help getting your mum better!
PeeEssWoo: Maybe woo need to hang like a bat?
I almost couldn't see Scooby there with his camo flog jacket on. I think that sleeping like that generates extra healing vibes for mom.
The reason you couldn't see Scooby is because it is Tahlia ;-)
Awww you two look so cute. I am sure you are taking good care of your Mommy and Scooby. I will keep my paws crossed for you.
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Glad to hear that things are a little better.
lots of woofs
Sorry to hear about your mom. You guys look like bookends in that picture!
awwww Suzi - you are so beautiful - you and tahlia look so peaceful. glad scooby is feeling better - sorry your mum is not imiproving - hope things are better this imorning for her - my mom told her to double up on the meds.....did she? I donated a little to your walk - hope it went through - I'm waiting on the airplane to pick me up for our date - is it still coming?
Shhhhhhhhhhh. Rest, relax and everyone get better soon.
Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker
Yeah ! Glad to hear that Scooby is getting better ! Can't wait to meet him on Friday !!! Why isn't my dear Scooby with you girls ? haha. Hope your mommy recover soon, so we can have fun on Friday together !
Hope you're all better soon.
Diego Dog
I'm glad Scooby is improving now we just need to get your mom all better! Maybe if you lie next to her like you're lying next to Scooby, you can be like a heating pad on her back? I bet that would fix her right up!
Hope your Mom is all better soon.
Cute picture! Give Scooby and your Mom a kiss for me. :)
Suzuki, I sure hope Scooby gets better real fast, I am sure with you taking care of him he is sure to make a speedy recovery right?
Hugs to your mom - I am so sorry her back is still so painful. That is such a lovely picture of you two! Glad Scooby's getting better - rest=recovery!
Hugs and Love xo
that´s great that scooby is doing better!
licks to your mommy
We will be pleased when you are posting that everyone is better. Basset kisses to mum and Scooby.
Martha & Bailey xx
Hi Suzuki
We hope your mom & Scooby continue to improve.
Good luck with your walk.
Love Ruby & Penny
Hi Suzuki,
So sorry to hear that your mom and Scooby are not doing well. I hope your mom feels better very soon and that Scooby continues to improve. I will be thinking of you all.
Love Clover xo
We're glad for the news on Scooby, but sure hope your mom starts feeling better VERY soon!
Our paws are crossed that your mom and Scooby feel better soon, Suzuki!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
What a cute pic of you and Scooby! Please give Mom some more kisses and we hope things start to improve soon.
Woos, the OP Pack
What can we do to help your mom getting better besides sending healing vibes and pray?
We click on the RSPCA site to support, we're stuck when they ask where're we from, which town in Australia, do we have to answer all questions, you know we're not from there.
Can we just send money to you?
Love ya lot, love your mom a bit more for her back pain!
We are sending healing vibes to both of them!
Tell your mom we are thinking of her!
Glad Scooby is doing better!
Kisses and hugs
That's a great photo. We hope your mom gets better real soon.
Roxy & Lucky
Hi Suzuki,
I'm glad you feel better and I hope your 'feeling better' vibes rub off on mommy soon!
Sniffs and licks,
Such a sweet picture!
Hope your mom gets better soon!
I'm glad scooby is improving!!!
What a cute snooze photo! I look just like Tahlia when I sleep with my legs straight out. That's my girl!
We did not know dat yur mommee had gotten so bad! We hopes dat da dokturs figgur owt wat is rong wif her soon!!
Gus and Waldo
Heya Suzie,
We're glad that Scooby seems to be improving and we have the good vibration machine on full blast for your mom. You sure are busy taking care of everyone. We couldn't sponsor you on the RSPCA MILLION PAW WALK link because we aren't from Australia, so we sent our sponsorship donation to you directly.
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