Well furry friends, I have some good news, it has started raining, that should help the firemen. Mummy and Daddy just went fur a drive past to see how things were going and most of the fire is out now, there is still a lot of small ones here and there and lots of smoke and smouldering. They also timed how far away the fire was from our house... 3 minutes. Here are some photos taken yesterday by a friend of Mummy's. The furry last one, Mummy took about 30 minutes ago. She has some videos too but she will upload them later if people want to see them.

Big licks to you
Ooh cool pics glad you are safe,who else entered your competition???
Love Travis
Ooooo, how awful. I am so glad you guys are OK and that the rain came.
That just look so scary - thank goodness you are all safe!
Martha & Bailey xx
glad that you´re ok!
licks Pu
Wow--dat iz sooo close! We iz glad dat woo iz okay!
Gus and Waldo
Crikey we watched the news and still didn't hear about that fire....stupid media.
It's scary isn't it. Glad you're ok and glad for the rain. It poured here today.
How scary. I do hope the fires are contained quickly.
My uncle is a fireman and those people certainly know how to tame a fire!
We hope you continue to be safe. Good thing you have rain!!
Thanks for sharing the pictures.
I am so glad you guys are safe and sound! That must of been very scary for your Mom and Dad!
-Kira The BeaWootiful and Scampi too!
At least you are safe and cozy - I don't like rain but I'm glad it's raining there to help the firemen. Stay safe sweetie!
Hi, Suzuki...
I'm sooo glad you are all OK...That was scary...
Stay safe...
Abby xxxooo
Hi Suzuki,
Wow those fires are crazy and I'm so happy that it rained for you guys! :-)
Sniffs and licks,
I'm so glad that you're ok!
Keep posting about what's happening!
Oh, I am SO glad that it didn't reach your home! That is scary. Also, glad your Mom and Dad got home to you and the rest of your family. Fire season for us is coming up soon but I have never seen a big one too close....I am keeping my paws crossed that I don't ever.
Wow, that is so scary. I am glad it is raining and you are ok.
Take care!
Oh Suzuki, sry for the lack of visitng your blog that i didnt saw this news! But i'm so glad that everything is fine now. Do take cares!
best regards
What a relief. Glad to know you are safe.
Tank woo fur keeping us pup-to-date with the horrible events...
I'll keep my paws khrossed!
The fires seem to be world wide. In Texas and Oklahoma over the weekend. I hate to see the devastation. Stay safe!
OMDDDDDDDog! Isn't that scary??? We had the same thing happen to us last year! Our dawg house came close to burning, but lucky for us the wind shifted and the fire started going the other way.
I am glad you are okay!!
Sexy Rambo
pee ess...I am still blushing from Tahlia's post.
I hope the rain rains out the fires! Stay safe!
We'd going our Rain Dance fer ya!
Licks and Wags
Tuffy and the Dog Woods Pack
We are so, so glad you're OK!!! And rain - we hope it pours!
Stay safe!
oh no! fire! good ur safe!!
All look soooooooo scary!!!
Dear friends.....we're very very very happy you're safe!!!
We were very worried!!!!
But now it's raining......YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
hope the fire could stop soon!!!!!
Please...take care of you dear friends!!!
We love you sooooooooooooo much!!!
Lots of love and kisses
w00f's, wow, sooo happy the fire didnt come visit u..those pikzurs are bad..me not like fire..unless its where it pose to b..
b safe,
How scary, Suzuki! We're so glad it's raining! We hope it pours and puts all of those nasty fires out for good!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
We just learned about what was going on and came over!!! We are so so so glad you are ok.
Hi I am glad you are all safe now and the fires are out. I have not been by because John and Brenda are away on holiday. They left me here to look after the kids and grand kids. I bet that is why the adopted me.
Ooooh, that was close. We are glad you are safe!
Oh we sure hope you are safe. We wouldn't want anything to happen to our buddy Suzuki and his family...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Suzuki!! What a great news!! We're so glad everyone was ok!!! Thank you for letting us know!!
Momo & Pinot
Oh. I am so glad you are okay and can let all your dog bloggie friends know. Where do u live? My uncle just sent an email about the fires being one mile from his house.. in Choctaw OK. How awful and frightening.
You guys can always come stay in fire free MA w/us.
WE just heard too and came right over//we are glad you are all safe and hope you are not to scared......and we are glad it is raining...Love and kisses A+A
So glad you are okay. I just started making my rounds and stopped by here as soon as I knew. =)
OMD!!! That's so scary!!! Only 3 minutes from your place? Ouch...
Glad that the rains' poured and you all are OK.
We are very glad to hear the rains came to help put out the fires and you and the family are safe.
Take care,
Oh, the Rain! It came at last!
I'm so thankful that everybody is safe!
It's scary when nature gets angry! Cool pics, Suzuki!
Hi, Suzi!
I don't like rainy days but in this case I wish you have all the rain there!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Whoosh...I'm glad it is raining now. Those fires look awful!
Let it rain! Very glad you're safe from the fires...
That´s so scary! Glad you all are ok!
Oh I just wead about those awful fiwes. I'm so gwateful that the wain has stawted and that you awe safe. I will cwoss my paws that you stay that way.
love and smoochie kisses
mom could hardly wait to get home from work and check on you. I hope it rains fur-ever, or at least till everything is good and wet!
your pal, Morgan
I'm so glad you guys are safe and that it's starting to rain!
We are back from our boat trip and dropping by to say hello and catch up with all the news.
Simba and Jazzi xx
Oh my doG! We hope you stay safe and the rain does a good job of putting the fires out!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
That is SO scary! i am going to keep my dewclaws crossed for you and your family
Tail Wiggles & Puppy Kisses,
Coco The Princess & Lady Godiva
Hi Suzuki
We're glad your ok. Those fire photos look really scary.
Love Ruby & Penny
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