Mummy has also injured herself now. She went to work this morning and while she was lifting something, she threw her back out. Silly Mummy. She got taken to emergency and they gave her lots of pills and now she looks like she is watching a circus show in her head BOL.
I will be working extra hard over the next couple of days, organizing Tahlia's Birthday Pawtee fur this Friday, taking care of Mummy AND keeping an eye on Scooby. So if I don't get around to all of your blogs, please furgive me.
OH! But check out my new outfits that Mummy brought fur me.


Do I look skinnier to you? I lost 300grams this week!
Big licks to you
Oh no, poor Scooby and poor poor Mommy. Hoe the pills make her feel better. Did they have figure out what is wrong with Scooby?
Woos, the OP Pack
I hope Scooby will be better soon - it must be quite worrying for everyone. Hope your Mom feels better soon too....my mom also has a bad back she goes to a chiropractor every week so she understands what that is like. Those are two very nice outfits and yes they are very slimming!
Me sorry Scooby is still sickie and now u mama is...hope they both feel better soon...u gonna b a busy pup this coming week..
b safe,
Hi, Suzi!
I am so sorry to hear Scooby was bleeding again. I hope the Vet can make him get better.
Paws crossed for your Mom too!
You are going to be busy taking good care of them!
Kisses and hugs to you all
PS Your new clothes are Super!
300 grams?? Congratulations!
Hi Suzuki - We love your SuperPup outfit - so cute! We're so sorry to hear that Scooby's still having problems and that your mom hurt her back - ouch! We sure hope they feel better soon.
See ya!
Joey and Zeke
Suzuki, please take care of your mom, have her rest, take pain killers with some snacks, not with empty stomach.
And Scooby bled again? Did the vet mention kidney stone? Oh, I can feel his pain, poor Scooby!
You may bring ice pack to your mom's back three, four time a day, 20 minutes each time. I can see you're on heavy duty now, you're in charge of celebration and sickness in the house, one paw band, bravo!
Suzuki, your mom is very beautiful, she earns my love right away!
I enjoyed the beach video in the previous post, your residential is very nice, I wish I lived there.
Love y'all.
Thanks for responding to my begging to send pawsitive healing vibes to baby Axl. Your visit, support and keeping your paws crossed for baby Axl means a lot to me, buddy! I just heard from Twinkle that a good soul has taken care the rest of the medical bill for Axl, clap! clap!
Oh Suzi you look smashing in your new outfits! I'm so sad that Scooby is not feeling well - and your poor mommy!!! Bet she's enjoying the pills tho :-) grinning broadly!
See you Thursday!
I'm thinking good thoughts fur Skhooby!
I'm also working on some extra good Sibe Vibes fur your mum!
I mean, just wait until Mango reads of your woes...he'll probably woo a safehouse in Master Chew Sits!
Woo look furry smashing and khute in your new outfits!
PeeEssWoo: Please keep all the others there HEALTHY!
Poor mama with the hurt back! That is awful. My mom has an injured back too and its not fun. You may need to walk on it gently.
I hope Scooby gets better soon!
You look quite smashing in your new outfits.
Onoooooo! So sorry about mom and Scooby as well. Backs are not a fun problem. Give her licks and love from us xo
How much is 300 grams?? That sounds like a lot. You're not on some crazy fad diet, are you? Woof, T
Goodness! I hope Scooby does ok! And my mommy knows what it's like to have a back "out"! She says "Take the pills!!"...silly mommy.
Mya Boo Boo
I hope Scooby and your mom feels better! It must be tough of you to look after and having to plan some events. Nice clothing that you've!
best regards
Crikey everyone is in the wars at your place Suz. We sure hope it's not serious with Scooby. We continue to cross our paws for him and for your mum to get better soon. Back problems are the pits!
You and Laney can be twinsies in your superpup outfits, Suzuki!
Our paws stay crossed for Scooby and we sure hope your mom's back feels better soon!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Oh dear, we do hope both Scooby and mommy get better soon!!
Lovely pictures and yes, the weight is just dropping off.
Martha & Bailey xx
hope scooby gets well soon! and your mommy too... :(
lot´s of licks
We hope Scooby and your Mommy are both much better very soon.
You look great in those outfits!
lots of woofs
Hi, Suzuki...
I hope Scooby gets better soon...And, your Mom, too...
And, you look lovely in your new shirts...
Abby xxxooo
Oh no! Poor Scooby and Mom! I hope both of you feel better soon, and congrats to Suzuki for the weight loss. :-)
Sniffs and licks,
We will send our pawsitive thoughts to Scooby and Scooby's mum.
Suzuki--your new clothes are grrreat!
Gus and Waldo
OK, If Lacie K shows up with a blender, do not (DO NOT) let your mom have any smoothies. Other than that, I am sure you will do a good job, and your mom will be suitably grateful to you when she is feeling better. Kisses to all
gussie d and Teka T.
Hi Suzuki, Paws are crossed for Scooby and your mommy. You are going to be a busy doggie taking care of everyone. Love your outfits.
Loves from pugs,
Rosie Marie
Hi Suzuki
You look great in your new outfits.
We hope Mom & Scooby will be on the mend real soon.
Love Ruby & Penny
Poor Scooby, we will be keeping our paws crossed for him, Take good care of your Mommy, give her loads of puppy kisses and snuggles
-Kira the BeaWootiful and Scampi too!
We hope they ALL feel better soon! Birthday Pawties are the BEST!
PeeS I want to be a Playdog but Mommy says I am too full figured...
Oh dear, hope Scooby and your Mum are better soon! LOVE the playdog shirt....BOL!!
Hey Suzie,
We hope that Scooby will be okay and that he isn't having too much pain in his private delicate area. Did your mom bend instead of stooping down when lifting a heavy object? Back aches can be very discomforting and painful; that's why the woo woo pills are a must. We wish her a speedy recovery so that the entire household burden isn't on you.
Are you sure that the Superdog costume doesn't belong to the Bark Kent dog?
You look downright bee-roo-tiful to me!
We hope Scooby stops bleeding! Poor guy!
And poor your mom, too! Hey! The circus?!? Ask her to look for my new horse friend. Ha roo roo roo! (Just kidding.)
Play bows,
We like your new outfits. Very cute. We hope your Mummy and Scooby get better soon!!!
Ernie & Sashaspandi
Ohhhhhhhhhhh dear friends...
hope Scooby will be better soon....and Hope your Mom feels better soon too....
our mom also has a bad back....her works is very hard because she must lift up lots of weighty people..so her back is very suffering....
Suzi.....you new outfits are sooooooooo cool and you look gorgeous wearing it!!
We love you all a lot dear friends...
please....give us news about scooby and mommy soon!!
We're very worried for you!!
Sweet kisses
Uh oh! I hope Scooby and your Mom heal fast!
Sorry, we are late seeing this. We are so sorry Scooby is not well and have our paws crossed for him. We hope he gets better very soon.
Also sorry to hear about your mums back, that sounds very painful, we wish her well and hope she is better soon too.
Holly & Zac...XX
Gee we sure hope Scooby 'n yer Mom feel better soon...sore backs sure can make ya feel miserable...'n sick doggies are no fun either....
So ya lost some weight.....I think I need ta too so I was thinkin' of goin' on the grapefruit diet but I just can't give up my goodies....that would be worse than losin' my Gram....well maybe not....see Gram I changed that fer ya....
Dewey Dewster here....
Glad to hear scooby is doing a little better. Hopefully the bleeding will stop. Mum- on drugs. Oh no. And I must say, you look slim in your new shirts. Way to go!
I hope Scooby and your mom gets better soon!
You look very cute in your new outfits! :)
you new outfits look great on you! Since you are Superdog, maybe you can make Scooby and Mum better!
Wow! Sounds like a lot of doctoring is going on at your house! I hope Scooby and your mommy feel well real soon. Sending great doggie (and people) vibes your way.....
Luna and Sole'
Oh my... we are so sorry to hear about Scooby and your mum.
We will be praying for a fast recovery. We don't like to see any of our friends in pain.
Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie, Lucie and Hailey
Oh, I'm so sorry your mom hurt herself! You mom is so bewootiful! My mom has a bad back so she can definitely sympathize with your mom's paid. Give her and Scooby some extra licks!
Hello Scooby and Suzuki, I hope your mommy's feeling better. The dog Woods pack and the Chief sends our well wishes.
Take care and be good to your mommy!
licks and wags
Tuffy and the dog Woods Pack
Bell and I are barking and praying that you both get better soon.... We dont like to hear doggys and humans are sick... makes us sad...
big barks and doggy spins
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