Congratulations Tessa.
Tessa has chosen Coco the Princess as the pup she would most like to interview with Bark Kent next week.
Second prize goes to... Doyle!
Congratualtions Doyle, you will be receiving your prize pack in the mail shortly. I will also be answering your question on my blog later this week.

I will also be answering your question on my blog later this week.
Your prize pack will also be in the mail shortly.

All pups who entered my contest will be receiving a small gift from me in the mail, so if you have not yet emailed me your postal address, can you please do so furry soon.
Tessa & Bark's interview with Coco will hopefully feature next Friday the 24th April 2009.
Big licks to you
Khongrats to your winners!
BUT more impawtantly, khongrats again to woo and yours fur your 100th Post milestone!
Here's to many many more!
Congrats to all the winners!
Licks and sniffs,
100 posts!!!! gack!! sigh--maybe someday.
grats to all the winners and to Suzuki!
Great job and congratulations to every one!
Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker
Oh Suzuki, I am SO excited to have won 3rd prize!!! WOOHOO! Thanks for hosting the contest too....I know it's lots of work. :) I hope you have a barkariffic day!
I would be honored to be interviewed by Tessa the Maltese!
Tail Wiggles & Puppy Kisses,
Coco The Princess
Hello Suzuki,
congrats to all the winners and also for your pawsome 100th post! :]
best regards
Congrats to all the winners.
Congratulations to your winners and well done on achieving 100 posts!
Martha & Bailey xx
Congrats to your winners! Can't wait to read the answers to questions!
Feather, Darla & Pappy, the TN Bull Terrors
Congratulations to the winners. Great job picking the winners out.
Thank you so very much for picking me as the winner of your 100th Post contest!
Thanks for not only hosting the contest but for reaching 100 posts!!! Woo Woo Woo
Peace to you, Tessa
Congrats to all winners!!! Congrats to your new love too. Bogart and my Popsy Sumo will remain single for now.
And I'm glad you're OK after that scary fire!
PeeEss: Btw, the mailman has not eaten the treats sent to me...yet. So I guessed it's OK. Thanks for including us.;-)
Hi, Suzuki...
Congrats to the winners...
That was a fun contest...
Abby xxxooo
Very cool! And Tessa is a Q-T pie. heehee
oh suzuki if i was a girl i would cry arf arf, i am so honoured to be a winner in your contest, ive already started bragging about it on my blog, thank you and your family soooo much. we love your blog and look forward to the next 100 posts... nice touch too putting a pic of my bro jake up to try and fool me arf arf!
Congrats to the winners!!!
Congrads to all the winners..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Congratulations winners! 100 posts is a pawsome lot, so congrats to you too!
Hugs and Licks,
xo Sammie
Congratulations to the winners and to you for your 100th post, Suzuki!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
We have been away for a few days so we missed all the fun. But we did want to congratulate you on your 100th post - great job, Suzuki.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Pee Ess, congrats to all the winners.
Congratulations to the winners!
Kisses and hugs
Even if we didn't win we still think Harley would be a better name for you. We will not be sore losers and we send congratulations to the winner, even though they wasn't us. Congratulations all you not us winners.
- The Bumpass Hounds
Woof.. woof.. woof...
Congratulations to all the winners!!!
Let's party!
Adele, Vincent & Bella
Congratulations on your 100th post. WOW. I cannot imagine . And thanks for all the hardwork you do.
Congrats to the winners
Congrats to all the winners! We can hardly wait to read the interview and hear you answers to the runners ups qq!!
Smooches, BabyRocketDog & Hootie
Congrats to the winners!
Hi Suzuki! Congrats to all the winners! I'm looking forward to the next Bark Kent interview. Mostly, I'm glad you and your family were safe from those fires. That looked very scary.
See ya!
Congrats to the winners! :-)
Also a belated congrats to you for your 100th post Suzuki! :-)
Holly & Zac...XX
congrats to the winners....how pawesome - tail wags to all
Congwatuwashuns to Nala!! She iz arr bestest furiend!
And congwatuwashuns to woo! 100 posts iz a big deel. We iz eksited fur woo!
Gus and Waldo
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