Hello furry friends, we need your help. Can I please ask you to cross your paws fur my brother Scooby? He has been furry ill today. Mummy came home from work and let us inside and within 5 minutes she noticed a blood trail. The first thing she did was check me and Tahlia! Can you believe that? Just because we fight sometimes, she automatically assumed we had been at it again. Well, we hadn't. Once she followed the blood trail to the end, she found Scooby. She quickly sought the location of the bleeding... It was... ummm... his manhood leaking blood. Mummy rang our doctor straight away and they said bring him in immediately. So Mummy took him to the healers and she was gone fur ages! Apparently there were a lot of big dogs in the waiting room and a chihuahua. Well, the chihuahua tried to start some s*#! and the big dogs started barkin' back at him and then all hell was gonna break loose and all Scooby did was sit there with Mum and cowered into her! Can you believe that? He is normally furry protective of Mum and he was sooo scared. He must be in a lot of pain. Eventually the healer came out and took Scooby into the little room. He asked Mummy some questions and then he checked Scooby out. Mummy says that Scooby was furry well behaved and she was so proud of him. The healer had to take Scooby into another room and give him a catheter and see where the bleeding was coming from. When he brought Scooby back he told Mummy that Scooby had bleeding in his urethra and dried blood in his bladder. He also drained Scooby's bladder fur him and is going to test the urine to try and find out what is wrong with him. Tahlia is particularly worried about Scooby. She is following him evfurry where! He is currently laying in front of the heater which Daddy turned on fur him. The healer said he hopes to know more in the next 24 hours. I will keep you all pup-dated.
Big thankful licks to you
ohhww That´s bad news from scooby!
we hope it´s just an urinary infection.. and the vet can cure it really quickly...
we will keep our paws crossed!
lot´s of healing licks
I'm khrossing my paws for Scooby!
Tank woo fur telling us so khwikhly so we khan start send vibes from 'rounf the world!
PeeEssWoo: Please pass along an extra one or two or three to your mum!
Oh Man, I gotta tell you this Suzi,
After Lady heard the news, she was so so so worried about him. Hopefully he will recover soon ! Lady wanted to fly over to Perth asap !!!! Take care brother !!!
Poor Scooby. We hope he is feeling better soon. We will keep our paws crossed.
Mom says she had a cat who peed blood and he had stones that had to be removed. He was fine after that.
Give Scooby some love from us.
Love Ruby & Penny
Oh, man! Poor Scooby... we're having our paws super crossed for him, here in portugal!
He'll get better soon, you'll see!
PS: please keep us updated!
Hi, Suzuki...
My paws are crossed for Scooby...Me & my Mom are sending our thoughts & prayers...
And, I sending some Special Lhasa Vibes, too...
We hope Scooby gets better soon...
Abby & her Mom xxxooo
All three of us crossing our paws for Scooby, we hope that bloody urine is just urinary tract infection and a course of antibiotic will bring him back to his normal self: playful, handsome, good appetite and pain free.
We got the e-mail, we'll sponsor Suzuki tonight, my mom has to run to work now, love y'all
oh poor, poor Scooby! Hope it nothing serious. I will be crossing my paws too.
~lickies, Ludo
Zeke and I have all our paws crossed for Scooby. We hope the vet can help him and he feels better real soon. How scary for all of you - get well soon, Scooby!
Your pal,
Oh no! Poor, poor Scooby! How awful- your humans must be so worried!
I came over to tell you that I had an award for you - but that doesn't seem appropriate now!
Thinking of Scooby and sending lots of slobbers from far away...
Honey the Great Dane
Poor Scooby! Mama and I will keep him in our thoughts today. I do hope you get good news and that Scooby will be up and at 'em quickly.
Hugs from Massachusetts, USA
hi scooby,
soo sorry your feeling sick. hopefully the vet can figure out what's wrong & get you back on your toe toes.
please feel bettah soon!
oh man, how scary. we are thinking about you... Scooby is being so very brave. we love you buddy!!!
Ouchies, poor Scoobie. We hopes yer all better soon.
Bobo and Meja the Sharpei puppies
I will cross my paws for your brother. I sure hope he is feeling better now. I know you all must be really worried. I hope and pray he is better
oh no - SCOOBY!!!! I hope you are better soon. Please have Suzuki let us know how you are doing.
And Suzi - I know how loving you can be so you keep a close eye on Scooby.
your love
Please tell Scooby I wish him well. He's been a good friend and I'm very bummed out by this news. Anxiously awaiting pupdate... Woof, T
Oh no! Poor scooby. Mom and I will be praying for him and were sending good vibes so he will heal faster.
Here's hoping that the news would be a good one.
We have all our basset paws crossed for Scooby. We had just been reading Ludo's blog and heard poor Scooby was ill.
Lets hope it is a simple infection which can be treated with antibiotics.
Extra cuddles for the humans - you know how they worry!
We are thinking of you
Martha & Bailey xx
ohh no my paws are crossed.
Sending prayers too.
Loves from pugs,
Rosie Marie
We will watch for a pupdate on Scooby, poor doggie, and I will keep my paws crossed that it's something that can be cured very fast. Oh Scooby! Get well, love man...
Hugs and Licks xo,
Oh poor Scooby. I hope he gets better soon. Now remember, I know when you get home from the vet and are not feeling well, the last thing I want is my little brother following me around, so do bug him too much ok?
-Kira The beaWootiful
Poor Scooby! We hope he's much better very soon.
Paws crossed ...
Clive and gang
thanks for telling us about this! i really hope Scooby will feel better! i will keep my paws cross and pray for Scooby, wishing that he get well soon!
best regards
Ohhh, I can't belive it. Poor Scooby, I hope it's nothing serious. My mommy is very worried..
I'm crossing my paws so hard.
Big licks and a lots of hugs,
We are sending our Airedale ZEN over to you Scooby none stop. They are like Airedale prayers. Along with our prayers and paws crossed. We are really worried. Hope the vet. can find the problem.
All our Love
Falcon & Kodiak
& Faye aka Mom
OMD! all three of us are keeping our dew claws crossed for Scooby.
Puppy Kisses,
Coco The Princess, Lady Godiva & Truffle
Poor Scooby - we hope the healer can make him better. Maybe just a UTI or some stones. Keep us posted on how he doing.
Woos, the OP Pack
Poor Scooby....we hope he feels better. That must be awful! Glad Tahlia is taking good care of him.
Keeping paws crossed for Scooby.
Diego Dog & Rocky
We are all thinking about you and hope those tests come back with good results. I apologize on behalf of all chihuahuas for the feisty little guy that caused all the hooplah in the healers office. We're a little bunch but we're very fierce. I'm going to use all my fierceness to send you healing vibes!
w00f's ooo nooo, another pup sick..me sure hopes they can find out whats wrong wiff Scooby..and fix it soon..ur in our thoughts and prayers..
b safe,
Oh my dogness. Our dewclaws are all crossed over here for a quick recovery for Scoobs!
He needs to get well ASAP- there are a lot of doggies out there who need his matchmaking skillz!!
paws are crossed here for you Scooby..... How scary that must have been for your mummy.. barks and bites...
Oh dear Suz, we hope Scooby is ok. Thank goodness your mum was able to get him into the vet straight away. We have our paws crossed for him.
Take care
Noah Willow Tess Lucy xxxx
oh scooby im sending you massives of healing vibes and i so hope you are gonna be ok sounds like you are being furry brave!
licks doyle ;D
Poor Scooby!! Glad he has you all around him with all that love. We will keep our paws crossed that it is not serious and can be fixed easily.
Love & good thoughts
Ernie & Sasha
Oh, no! Poor Scooby! We are sending up lots of prayers for him!
My paws are crossed for Scooby, I do hope it turns out to be something not so bad. Keep us posted. =)
oh no!! my tiny paws a crossed! hope scooby gets better!!
My paws are crossed for Scooby! I hope he gets better very soon!
OMD Scooby, we are all sorry to hear that you are feeling icky! We are going to cross our paws that all is well and we will pray to Dog that you will be fine.
Feel Better Soon Friend, Tessa and Family
We hope Scooby feels better soon, and that the healer can help him improve.
Permission to cross post please?
gussie d
We are sorry to hear Scooby is not feeling well. I hope the vet can get him all fixed up soon. Me and Banjo have our paws crossed for him.
Oh we are so sorry that Scooby's peepee is bleeding; it probably hurtshim, especially when he leaves p-mail. We know that your mom and dad will take the very best care of Scooby. We already have our good vibe machine turn on for Golden Honey so we'll crank it up a notch to cover Scooby Too. He can't be too hurt or the healer guy would probably have kept Scooby in the hospital so that's a kinda good sign. We'll also put Scooby in our howls to DOG tonight at bedtime. You be nice to Scooby and don't do no rough house stuff.
I have my paws crossed and my mom is praying for Scooby!
Yes, I hope too is just an infection!
Let us know how he is doing, ok?
Take care
Kisses and hugs
we have our paws crossed and sending good vibes your way to our friend Scooby!
Oh No!!! That's very scary! WE have our paws crossed for Scooby & for the rest of your family. Keep us updated!
Feather, Darla, Pappy & LizzaBella
we really, really hope Scooby feels better soon. Paws crossed..
your pal, Morgan
You had gave so much support for My lil bro and now it's my time to support Scooby =]
I will cross my paws and pray hard for both Axl and Scubby to be well safe
Hugs & Kisses,
Poor Scooby! I hope he is better soon!
Crossing my paws and sending out sibe vibes to him!
We heard this from Ludo this morning....we have everything crossed that dear Scooby makes a speedy recovery and that it's nothing too serious. So many sick doggies just now :o(
We also want to congratulate Szuki for winning the sporty dog contest, though it really was NO contest, that photo is pawsome!
Get well soon Scooby Doo!
Slobbers xx
aw suzi.. we are sorry to hear about scooby...
we are a little lost now. we think we had already left a message, but dont really know what happened, so we'll just post again for good measure :D
anyway, please let us know the vet's findings. we hope its nothing serious and can be addressed by taking medication. try to be good and not bother scooby, ya hear?
praying for you always!
drooly kisses,
OMD Suzuki! I just heard about Scooby. I am so sad that Scooby is not feeling well.
I have my paws crossed for sure!
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