Ludo: It be no problem at all Bark, and may I says, Wow! What an honour to meet you, can I has your autograph please?
Bark Kent: Of course you can. I will organize that shortly fur you. Now, Ludo is an unusual name, why did your Mum choose that particular name fur you?
Ludo: Mum and old Daddy had lots of problems choosing my name. They had lots of different ideas. Mum wanted to call me Ranger, who bees the blue fox cub in the animals of farthing wood books but old Daddy did not like that. So Mum was scanning along her bookshelf and she seed a book she had called 'Ludo and the star horse'. It about a boy called Ludo who lives in another country to me. His horse bees very old and it gets out of it's stables and goes off in a snow storm the boy Ludo goes after it and he finds it has falled down a hole and then gone down a tunnel. Ludo follows and finds himself in a strange land where it be all the different signs of that human zodiac thing. The horse has died and he wants to become a star horse, which be the horses that pull the sun through the sky. Ludo meets a mean old half horse half man who says that Ludo must go with him and guide him in order for him to become a star horse, in the end Ludo realises he has to let the horse go to be in a better place. Even though Ludo be a dog Mum has always loved the book and thought it had a very good message of sticking with our loved pets till the end and guiding and teaching each other on life's journey and the importance of knowing when it time to say goodbye, something that we has beed learning a lot on DWB's lately.
Old Daddy liked it too and so he and Mum went to the nature reserve where we used to live and pretended I beed running around off lead and they practiced calling me all the different names to see which felt best. Ludo won but Mum said a man was walking his dog and looked at them very strange. BOL! Oh, also there a big creature thingy in mum's favourite film labyrinth called Ludo. hehe.
Bark Kent: Furry interesting... (Suzuki's Mum loves that movie too.) Who was the first pup to bark on your blog and do you still bark with them today?
Ludo: Well Bark Kent, the first one to bark on my blog was a rabbit-dog called Carlton Jamal. He a good buddy of mine and was the first one to alert me to the horrors of horspitals. I does not speak with him much anymore but Mum still speaks with his Mum. My first month or so of blogging I did not know that there beed DWB's and I did not get hardly and visitors, till someone Mum knew told her about DWB's. After I joined the first pup's to bark on my blog were Amber-Mae and Addie, I still does bark with both of them but Addie bees one of my favourite friends!
Bark Kent: What is it like living with rabbit-dogs and do you evfur wish you had a pup brother or sister?
Ludo: I liked it better when they was inside the house. When i goes outside I likes to go say hello to them. They can be very annoying! Especially Faline, because I not allowed to chase her and I gets telled off. But I likes them lots and I wished they liked me more. I miss the other 5 I used to live with, especially Rocky who was the friendliest. Here some pictures of me with them.
I had a cat brother too, who I misses lots and if I sees a cat in the street I will try and say hello.
So yes, I would so very much like a pup brother or sister. I likes to play with Sally when she come because Auntie Penny does not like me much. Mum says when she more settled and we move out again I can has one, but I does not know when that will be.
Bark Kent: I understand that you do agility training, do you plan to use these new skills to have a career in the movies? You certainly have the good looks to appear on the big screen...
Ludo: ooh, I does not know! Mum finds agilities very confusing at the moment BOL! And grandpawents do not have a good garden so I will never get very good. I likes to do my freestyle doggy dancing things and one day Me and Mum would like to compete in that so who knows! Aw, shucks, does you really thinks I could be a star?
Bark Kent: I think you could be a HUGE star Ludo :) And finally, you seem to have two special ladies in your life... Are things serious with either of them?
Ludo: Oh yes, I a very lucky dog isn't I? hehe. I has always beed very drawn to intelligent ladies with luscious black furs. I know Miss Kylie not looking for anything serious, she a bit of a play girl herself, she has two boyfriends and some other admirers too! But I hopes things will get a bit more serious with my gal Morgan. I gonna ask her on another date soon, but she very busy with her new sister right now.
Bark Kent: Thank you furry much fur your honesty here today Ludo. It has been a pleasure barking with you.
Ludo: And with you Bark Kent! I so pleased I was able to get an interview with you. It good you asked about my name too, cos since Mason Dixie did my review using my name I has beed meaning to post about how I got it!
Bark Kent: Next weeks nominees are: Charlie, Diego, Scruff the Wonder Dog & Stan of the Republic of Gooberstan
Until next time, this is Bark Kent signing out.