Abby, Jazz & Dixie, Martha & Bailey and Nessa.
Stop by their blogs if you don't already know them and come back and vote fur who you would like to see interviewed next week.
And now, without further ado...
You all know this fashionable little lady... The one... the only... LORENZA!
Bark Kent: Hi Lorenza. Thank you fur being my furry first Five Fur Friday Interviewee :)
Lorenza: Thanks to you Bark Kent. It is an honor to be interviewed by you.
Bark Kent: Ok, lets get straight into it shall we? Do you still bark with the furry first person to comment on your blog and who was it?
Lorenza: The first comment on my blog was from Peanut (http://peanuts-thoughts.blogspot.com) He was my first friend in the bloggland. And of course I still bark to him.
Bark Kent: I understand your name has an interesting meaning, would you like to tell us about it?
Lorenza: Well, Lorenza is a strong name here in Mexico. But it is also a funny name. We call lorenza to the crazy people. People who has mental problems. Sometimes my mom thinks she put me the right name... I wonder what does she mean with that!
Bark Kent: You have an AMAZING collection of dresses, how many do you have in total?
Lorenza: 86 and 2 more that my grandma is making right now
Bark Kent: Congratulations on winning the Photo of the Month Title over at Dogs With Blogs. How did you feel when you found out you had won?
Lorenza: First of all I want to thank Suzuki (ha!) who nominated me. I love her! I went to check who had won in all the categories and I saw my picture there! It is pawesome! I look like "lorenza" in that picture!
Bark Kent: And finally, If you could go on a holiday anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
Lorenza: I'd love to go to a beach. Here we live in the desert and my mom has told me about the beach and all the fun I'd have there!
Bark Kent: Thank you fur taking the time to bark with me today and fur being my furry first Five Fur Friday interview!
Lorenza: Thanks to your Bark Kent. It has been a pleasure!
Until next time, this is Bark kent signing out.
Another excellent interview Bark. You are working so hard at the moment!
That was interesting to find out more about Lorenza.
Martha & Bailey xx
Great job. We really like that you are doing these interviews.
Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker
Very cool idea! Lorenza has a great blog!
Also, Bark Kent looks very handsome in glasses.
wow this is funn now i the fuffy finely have a job Voting NOW whate is it can i eat it Well bean is going to help
Good job Bark Kent! Lorenza was a pawsome choice. The interview was both informative and entertaining.
What a grrrreat interview Bark!
I'm sure Suzi will be sorry she missed getting to chat with sweet Lorenza!
I think this is a furry khool feature woo have added!
PeeEssWoo: I wanted ALL of them fur next week so I chose did it alphabetikhally!
A great interview, Bark. Good job.
What a great interview! We didn't know that about Lorenza's name! Ha roo roo roo!
Play bows,
What a cool feature, Suzuki! We love the interview with Lorenza! Well done!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
We just adore Lorenza and her blog, so we loved this interview! What a pawsome cool idea! You are a very the true interviewer of our own private doggie-60-minutes-program! BOL!
Hi, Bark...
Another great interview...
Lorenza is a great friend & one defintely makes the Best Dressed List...
Abby xxxooo
Such a professional interview! Suz you did good and Lorenza was a fine interviewee. Who says dogs aren't dignified?! Can't wait to read the next one. Smooches from pooches, BabyRocketDog & Hootie
A great interview and we really enjoyed finding out more about Lorenza! A job very well done, Bark!
We love the interviews..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
That was a wonderful interview, Bark Kent. Evfurrypup loves Lorenza - she is so sweet. It was interesting hearing about her name. She has a furry nice Grandma to make her all those pretty dresses. Thanks for letting us learn more about her.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
What a great interview, Lorenza is quite the fashionista. I hope I too can have the honors of an interview with you. =)
What a wonderful idea! I can't wait to see who gets interviewed next week!
:) Tibby
That was a pawsome interview Bark Kent. Great job!
That is a very cool interview, Bark! I love reading interviews like these...can't wait for the next one!!
Wow, this is such a great and cool idea! :] Good interview Suzuki!!!
best regards
That's an amazing interview. I always wanted to know how many dresses Lorenza has
~ Bae
Hi:) Really great idea you had!
love the interview, and I think Bark Kent did a great job there! you look really professional ehhehehe
I’ll be checking in :)
Licks PU
Oh, that was a brilliant interview! Can't wait until the next one!
Honey the Great Dane
Hi, Bark Kent!
Thank you so much fo the interview!
Kisses and hugs
Terrific interview! And I TOTALLY love your current look!!!! Can't ever go wrong with a cape or glasses! I wish I had a pair of glasses....
Great interview!!!You made a great job and we love read your news about our doggie friends!!!
Lorenza is wonderful baby and we love her and her blog!!!
thanks to you for sharing with us more secrets about Lorenza!!!
have a great weekend!!!
lots of love and kisses!!!
Great interview Bark Kent!
Licks and Wags
TUffy and the Dog Woods Pack
wow, Suzuki. Great interview & you have a cool blog. Mind to link???
Slurpy licks,
Cool interview!! We enjoyed reading it! Lorenza is a great doggie! -Hec and Lola
Hello! We followed you from Maggie & Mitch's blog. Love the photos!
Sherry & Alanis
Woof! What a great interview/job. Loving the idea ... glad you are doing it. Lots of Woofs! Sugar
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