150gr (5 oz) carob chips or carob bar broken into pieces (Mummy used dog chocolate)
1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract
250gr (8 oz) naturally dried apricots, apple rings and bananas (non sulphur varieties)
50gr (2 oz) blanched almonds, chopped
1. Place the carob in a heatproof glass bowl. Set the bowl over a saucepan of lightly simmering water and heat until the carob has melted. (Mummy did it in the microwave). Stir in the vanilla extract.

Leave to set fur 20 minutes. Transfer to an airtight container and chill until hard. Fruity Furballs will keep fur up to 4 weeks in the refridgerator.

Bone Appetite :)
I would like to take a moment to send our thoughts and love to Bogart and his Mummy Lulu, they lost their beloved Klaus and could really use your fur love right now.
Big licks to you
we heard the very sad news about Klaus - so hard to put into words the sorrow. We send them our best.
The fruity furballs look wonderful, but Mom said she is afraid she would eat all the apricots befoe she got to step one:-)
But we think we'll take our chances and paw her to give it a try.
Woos, the OP Pack
Hi, Suzuki...
Our hearts go out to Lulu & Bogart...They are in our prayers...
Those Fruity Furballs look yummy...I'm gonna ask my Mom to try them...
Abby xxxooo
We are sad fur Bogart and his mom...tank woo fur your khomment on my blog about it...
These look good...I might have to wrestle my mom fur them!
Hi, Suzi!
I am so sad to know about Klaus. We are praying for Bogart and Lulu.
Finally the Fruity Furballs and we don't find karob here!!
Do you think we can change it for peanut butter??
Have a good night
Kisses and hugs
That looks yummilicious. I want one too.
So sad to hear about Bogart's family. :(
~ Bae
Thank you for stopping by our blog, Suzuki! You're 9 years old? You sure don't look it or act it with all of your fabulous water pictures!
We are heartbroken for Lulu and Bogie.
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hello Suzuki,
my heart goes out to Lulu and Bogart, no words could express my sorrow ...
anyway, your fruity furballs looks tasty ^^
best regards
Hi Suzuki
We have heard the dreadful news about Klaus and are heart broken for Lulu and Bogart.
On a happier note we like the look of your fruity furballs and will try them soon.
I see you have given them the paws up!
Martha & Bailey xx
Yummy treats on such a sad day. Thanks for the recipe.
Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker
Wow! Those cookies look sooo yummy. Thanks for sharing the recipe. Will ask Mommy to give it a try some day.
Butt sniffs,
Solid Gold Dancer
That looks superb, and I have a pack of jealous dogs on my hands :)
Mmm that looks so good.
We are so sad to hear of Klaus too. We don't know what to say..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
oh Yum! I is gonna make mum make them!
I has been seeing on lots of bloggies about Klaus. I had not met Bogart afore his Dad was poorly, but I is very sad for him. :(
~Lickies, Ludo
fruity furballs the perfect cheer-up snack - thanks suzuki!
mmmmm... another yummy treat!
And it looks so easy to make too!
Our hearts are just breaking for Bogart and his family.
Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie and Lucie
Hi, Suzuki - Nice to meet you! Thanks for stopping by Tess and Jazz's blog. We LOVED your boogey board photo! It's pretty hard for us to learn that skill when we don't have an ocean here in Pennsylvania, but we are going to the beach on vacation in May, so maybe we can try then!
Your blog is a lot of fun. We're going to make your fruity furballs to share with some of our agility friends this weekend! We're looking forward to following yours and Tahlia and Scooby Doo's adventures!
Wooooo! How bark-alicious. You are very lucky to have such a yummy mummy.
Licks and Wags,
TUffy of Dog WOods
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