Hello furry ones. Scooby here. Gone are Scooby's Snapshot Saturdays. I sat down with Mum and told her that I didn't want to just upload photos anymore. Suzuki is always uploading photos and I wanted to do something different. I was inspired by my cousin Scruff's latest adventure and decided I want to make a difference. Suzuki has told me that there are a lot of single pooches out there who are lookin' fur some cyber love. Myself included. Well, look no further. I am here to help. Ev-furry Saturday I will be featuring profiles of pooches lookin' fur love. How do you get featured you bark? Send me Pee-mail to: scoobylove@iprimus.com.au and I will pee-mail you a questionnaire written personally by Bark Kent for you to fill out and return to me. A lot of you have commented on how professional she is so I thought who better to ask the tough questions? My fee? I have no fee. All I ask is when you find that special pooch, let me know. Share your happiness with us all so we can all believe there is a special pooch out there fur all of us.
Hugs from the stud
Hugs from the stud
Scooby Doo
Hi Scooby
What a fun idea. We will give it some thought but are presently quite set in our ways. We have been cast as two maiden aunts and we think it quite suits us! We will, however, keep our options open.
Have a lovely day.
Martha & Bailey xx
Hi hi hi! We are 3 Airedale girls from Georgia, USA and I don't believe we've met before! We just love your bloggy! We hope all the single pups, out there, find their pawfect mates! It's very nice to meet you!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Hi, Scooby...
What a fun idea...
It's Spring & Love is in the air...
Well, it's Spring here, anyway...
Abby xxxooo
H Scoob
Brilliant.. your like the millionaire match maker but a barkmaker instead. Love love love is in the air. It is spring.
Khould I submit one fur my mom?
Grrrrreat idea Skhooby!
That's a great idea Scooby. I will get my personal assistant to send an email, if I can get her lazy behind out of bed. OK?
Oh that is so sweet Suzuki. You have a great mom...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
What a wonderful idea!
lots of woofs
If I wasn't already head over paws in love.......
What a great idea, what if your torn between 2 or 3 or 4 loves, any advise for that? They all live in different countries....so hard. oh can I put your button on my blog to help out?
Scooby Dooby Doooo,
What a great idea to help dawgs hook up! I'm a single pup myself so I'll try to get my human to send an email your way!!
Hey Suzuki - you must be the DWB official matchmaker! Great idea. I hope there'll be lots of puppylove going around.
Hi, Scooby!
You had a pawesome idea!
I am sure many of our friends will find their true love!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
woowooWOOOOOOWooooo Scooby...
what a GREAT Idea!!!!
Is love in the air?
Yes!!!!!!!is Spring!!!!
Can we put your botton on our blog so you help you???
kisses dear friend!!!
A very cool Idea !!!
Scooby, what a pawsome idea! We were just posting on how despit Gabbi's new found fame with Beagadoon that she's still single....we'll get her to peemail you tomorrow :D
Slobbers xx
Great idea Scooby! I would like to be featured in one of your posts. I'm looking for love.
Hi Scooby! That is a great idea, but fortunately for Lucky, she does not need your services. She has a wonderfl interspecies romance going with Luxor! His photo is on the sidebar of our blog. Check him out.
Great idea, though.
Hi Scooby,
While I have found my true love in Rosie of Dughallmor, I think this is a great idea. Last summer, I ran a pawsonal ad, then went on The Bowchelor, all in the hopes of finding true love. And like the TV show of a similar name, my results were equally short-lived.
Watch out though - when Lacie hears about this, she's going to want to date ALL the boys!
Your pal,
Awwww... we can see that you will make a great match maker!
Alas, Addie's heart was claimed by Dopey many months ago. But it has been a while since he has been around so you never know.
Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie and Lucie
Hi Scooby! I think that's a great idea, but right now my heart belongs to one special girl. But like Addie said, you never know...
See ya!
What a great idea Scooby!
w00f's Scooby and all, thank u fur helping me find a girlfriend Scooby, but me already has 2...they iz named Hershey and Kaci...check them out its http://hersheyandkaci.blogspot.com/ they iz cuties...
b safe,
What a great idea, Scooby! We sure hope your new business is very successful! You'll sure make lots of pups happy!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
What a great idea!
Hello Scooby,
what a fun and great idea you have there ;) we wuv it.
Only that Crystal already found her love and is already in the clouds. She can't help it but love her man, Mango more and more.
I, on the other hand, prefer to stay single *hehe* There are a lot of beauty hearted furry ladies out there and it is so hard to pick one. In my block, they call me a ladies man because according to them, I act so sweet in front of the furry ladies, give them doggie licks...
It will be nice and fun to match the furryones to others though ^_^
Please thank Suzuki for stopping by our blog. We sure would love to be pals. you have a beautiful family :) Also, please pick the "friendship rose award" that we passed to our pals from our blog (you guys are sure now included)
That's a great idea. The Mango already has a girlfriend, though, so I will just be watching.
Watch out for that Lacie if she signs up.
Scooby (and Suki) thank you for thinking of this. Right now Teka and I are both in long term relationships, but if our status changes, we will keep this in mind.
pee ess...please let us know if Miss Snickers or Swede William start to use your services
wooo, this is such a interesting idea! :]
hehe, btw Suzuki, do come over my blog. I've an award for you!
best regards
Hi Suzuki & Scooby,
Thanks for stopping by my bloggie!
Spring, flowers, luv...just in time, i do need help with the hookup. Can i put your button on my blog too?
very nice to meet you.
I just wanted to stop by and say hello to you and your family. It's nice to meetcha!
this is a great idea, making love connections!!
What a very good idea. hm, I might give it a go but Mum did say I has to wait until my onth birthday before I can start dating. Well I is only a couple weeks off it.
~lickies, Ludo
Ok, count me in!
Forget the black hounds in Heaven but I'm joining the biggest date event in dog kingdom.
Now, where does the line start?
And where does the buffet line start?
I think I'll have some cheese treats before somebody interviews me or what...
...and oh, thanks for your bday greetings and for stopping by!
Hi Everyone,
Congratulations on your great match making idea.
Me, I'm much too young yet, but maybe after I get
slipped into neutral (Coco came up with that phrase, it means spayed) I will send you an email.
I wanted to Thank You for coming over to my blog and checking it out.
I just love to make new friends.
Wiggles and Nisses (nose kisses), Tessa the Maltese
nice to meet you all of guys!!...you look so handsome, Scooby.
Hi Scooby,
What a great idea! I would have loved to participate except - ahem - well, I do sort of have a boyfriend already. He is a Standard Schnauzer called Ombre - we met in puppy class and it was love at first sight! He likes tall, leggy blondes and I have to admit, I do quite like short, hairy, macho types so...and he knows how to play REALLY rough!...so I guess we're sort of made for each other (sigh).
But I wish all the other pups lots of luck in love!
Honey the Great Dane
Great idea Scooby! I'm sure you're going to help many pups fall in love. :)
Helllloooooo,thanks for stopping by!! What a fabulous idea..looking for love.....WE know someone who wll be SURE to answer...( her name is Lacie...do you know her????) Love A+A
Hi Scooby!
Well, that's a PAWTASTIC idea!
Love from
Hi Scooby! What a pawsome idea! You seem like a very nice boy! -Hec & Lola
Wow wow wow Scooby, this is great. Aww~~~love is in the air.
slurpy licks,
Hi Schooby... nice to meet you, actually we were trying to meet Suzuki but it's ok... We are meeting you first :)
Well, your idea sounds great especially when our daddy just got a future wife from his owner.
Adele, Vincent & Bella
That sounds really pawsome Scooby...
I'm sure you'll help lots of single doggies out there
~ Bae
Did i tell ya am Dog WOods Casanova? ANywoos, I think am taken ... at least that's what I like to think. I got a nice little harem of 3 attractive females to choose from.
But of course, there's no harm in having a bigger pool to choose from!
Count me in!
Licks and Wags
Tuffy of Dog Woods
What a tewwific idea!
I am fowtoonate enuff to have a lovepup (Stanley of Goobewstan) and I know how he makes my heawt sing..I wish that fow evewypup ,kitty ,hammie ow bunnie out thewe..and you'we just the one to do it!
I hope lots of ouw fwiends take you up on youw genewous offew
smoochie kisses
Hi Scooby,
Suzuki tells me about that...what a great idea!!! I'm soooo lonely...buhuhu...I even don't have a sister or brother...will you fing something for me too?
Kisses and hugs,
Nessa the lonely one
Hi Scooby!
that´s a great idea! :)
lot´s of Licks
Thank you for dropping by our blog.
Simba and Jazzi xx
Hmmm I know of a certain psychotic border collie boy who lives here with me needs a fellow psychotic border collie female, and I hear you happen to have one looking for love!
Maybe the two of them would be less psychotic with each other, or maybe more, that could be bad, I will have to think about this one.....
Kira The BeaWootiful
Pee Ess- I am personally too old for all of this, although a nice large older gentleman.....
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