I have been invited by my friend Tibby to Pay It Forward.
I was furry excited when my package arrived.

Thank you furry much fur my presents Tibby, now it's my turn to Pay It Forward.
The exchange focuses on doing an act of kindness without expecting anything in return other than that the recipient will, in their turn, pass the kindness along and 'pay it forward' in their own way.This is how it works...I am going to send something to the first 3 blog owners who wants to take part. [please leave your email address if I don't all ready have it]. In turn you will then post about this on your blog, link to me, then send something to the first three people who sign up to play along through your blog.There are no cost restraints, BUT don't go crazy! The little something you send can be something you made, bought, were given or found.No biggie, just a gift that will make the person smile.Maybe something unique from where you live?And, remember that kindness does not have to involve money; there are untold ways to help others every single day, everywhere you go - just look around.
Please let me know if you want to play!
I think you should pay it forward to me because I never got to go to Scooby Doo's birthday party.
Gruffs from the Scruff
Hey that sounds great.
I have no idea where I am going to keep my awards,what do you do with yours???
Love Travis
seeing as you live so close i might have a go but i will have to ask my human first!
Hey there Suzi....My name is Reilly - aka the Cowspotdog. My mom is in Aussie from South Australia but she now lives in the USA. We are always looking for new friends, so please come and by and visit us sometime
Haroooooo!! Hello! It is furry nice to meet woo all! Nice pictures on your bloggie!
Mya Boo Boo
I came to visit again and see more pics of you and see whats happening!
Well, that bites!
BUT, woo know how wakhky and khrazy hoomans khan be!
Khongrats on the fine surgikhal skills prakhticed in your house!
Hi, Suzuki...
Not fair...Those Bacon Bits were for you...
Somewhere there is a doggie doing tricks for your Bacon Bits...Where is the justice??
Anyway...Nice presents...
I played Pay It Forward with Bae Bae, the Hamsterrier...Do you know her?? It's a fun game...
Abby xxxooo
Hi Suzi!
Thanks for visiting my blog. Nice to meet you. Well sorry to hear about your bacon bits. Everyone loves bacon and it must have been irresistible to the govt. hee hee...
Hi Suzi,
Thanks for stopping by and visiting our blog! We love finding new adventures to read about from other DWB.
Pruett and Daphne
Oh no the government took your treats. I bet they gave them to the beagles and labs that work at the airport. Do you know how many letters we've received over the years from the stupid stupid quarantine people....heaps and heaps hehehe. Oh well, they're just doing their job I spose.
thank u wuffy fur coming to my home i dont have wuffi friends so u kmake me and my bean so happy fur stoping by
Nice to meet you! THanks for coming on over to my blog
Hi Suzuki
We are appalled that the Australian government saw fit to seize your bacon treats!
We personally suspect that there is a dog working for the Australian government who likes bacon!
That is a nice game you played - lovely gifts!
Martha & Bailey xx
Hi Suzuki,
I bet the hoomans weren't able to resist the smell of the bacon that they had to have it for themselves.
Bad hoomans for taking your gift.
The rest of the loot looked really good. I have yet to play Pay it Forward since I'm fairly new at this blogging thing.:)
Your pal,
You got quite a hall there..
Hope you are having a great weekend..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Thanks fur stopping by and visiting my blog! I wanted to say hi back. You certainly look like a fun doggie to get to know.
-Kira The BeaWootiful and Scampi
How great the pay if forward game is. so glad you got to play along. =)
Hi there, Suzuki!
Thanks for your visit in my blog! It's so good to know you, you look absolutely cool in all of your photos! Well, I'll be coming back lots of times, that's for sure!
Love from Portugal,
How rude of the humans to take your foods!! Then Scooby takes your toy too. i would not stand for that if I was you.
~lickies, Ludo
They TOOK your TREATS?!? That's really not nice. They probably didn't even sit and give their paw first.
Hi Suzuki,
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm so happy to make a new friend!
And I really hope you win the Sporty-Looking Dog contest - I think you are just AMAZING with that surfing!!!
Honey the Great Dane
Hey Suzuki!
I´m happy to be friends! =)
That's a nice package that Tibby sent you...
How rude of the goverment to steal your treats. I bet they're enjoying it right now...
~ Bae
Hi Suzuki,
I would love to play Pay it Forward with You. Thanks for inviting me.
Wooooo! You looked real pleased to have a package for you in the mail!
Tuffy of Dog WOods
Hi Suzuki!
I am glad that you got your pay it forward package but sad to see that the govt took your treats! I picked them out especially for you!
:) Tibby
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