You will need:
250gr (8 oz) cooked wheat and gluten free pasta
200gr (7oz) low fat cottage cheese
200gr (7oz) low fat natural yoghurt
5 basil leaves, chopped
50 gr (2 oz) french beans, topped and tailed and finely chopped
200gr (7 oz) cooked boneless, skinless rabbit or chicken (Mum used about 600gr)
2 tablespoons of olive oil
2 tablespoons grated low fat parmesan cheese
1. Mix all the ingrediants, except the parmesan in a large bowl. Pour into an ovenproof dish and sprinkle with parmesan.

2. Bake in a preheated oven, 200 degrees C (400 degrees F), Gas Mark 6, for 15 - 20 minutes. Leave to cool thoroughly.

3. Cut the bake into 7cm (3 inch) squares with a sharp knife and freeze until required for up to 3 months. Defrost thoroughly before use. Feed your dog 2-4 squares as a meal, depending on its size.

Bone Appetite
What should Mummy make next week? I'm thinking something SWEET :)
1. New Bark Cheesecake
2. Sweet Canine Crepes
3. Fruity Furballs
Leave me a comment with your preference and I'll pass it on to Mummy.
This weeks recipe was taken from Pupcakes by Stephanie Mehanna.
Pee.S. To answer a common queston from yestedays post, I lick the carpet because its just what I like to do, however, Mummy read somewhere that I do it to remove other scents.