Bark Kent: Hi Lorenza. Thanks fur coming back to answer the questions the Readers want to know!
Lorenza: Thanks Bark. It is a honor to have been chosen by our friends for this interview.Bark Kent: They have all been snapping at my ankles eager to get started, so let's get straight into it...
Tessa: How many dresses do you have in your wardrobe?
Lorenza: Hi, Tessa. I have 92 summer dresses and 10 winter coats.Khyra: I would like to ask which is your favourite dress?
Lorenza: Hi, Khyra! I like all my dresses but these two are my very favorites.

The first one is special because my grandma embroidered it with ribbon. The second, is one of the last made by my grandma and I like its big bow and the colors.
Agatha & Archie: Yes, we had the same questions for the cutest best dressed girl in Mexico. We (and PL2) wanted to know exactly how many dresses you have and which one is your favorite.
Lorenza: Hi, Agatha and Archie… and PL2! My answer is above and I have to add that all my dresses are made by my grandma but I have another special one that was sent to me by Suzuki and I like it a lot too!Dave (Army of Four): Woo, Lorenza. It's me - Dave, Guide Dog for the Color Blind. As you know, I really admire your colorful dresses. My question is - Do you prefer one color over the others?
Lorenza: Hi, Dave! I don’t have a favorite color but if you see my dresses many of them are pink. My grandma buys fabric in soft colors and my mom likes dark colors.Chef: What size dress do you take because I want to send you one. My Mama saw the most gorgeous dresses in the pet store and she thought of you.
Lorenza: Hi, Chef! OMD! That would be pawesome! My size is Medium. Thanks a lot!Mason Dixie: Can we see a picture of all your dresses laid out like a rainbow?
Lorenza: Hi, Mason Dixie! I did not have enough space to laid out all of them but I took this picture of many of them!
Abby: Besides taking baths, what is your favorite thing to do?
Lorenza: Hi, Abby! In order of importance… Sleep, eat and go out for walkies.Mango: I would like to know what you think is the biggest difference between living in Mexico and living in the US for a doggie. OK, I would also like to know what Mexico is like. It looks hot.
Lorenza: Hi, Mango! Living in Mexico is very hard for animals. There are just a few laws to protect us but nobody cares about them. Nobody respects them. Any dog or cat can be abused and the “human” who does this is not punished. Many people say they love their pets but they are not considered part of the family. All the dogs I know stay all the time outside in their yards or patios. Their humans give them food and water… but nothing else. Due to this, there are no pet stores here. People prefer to spend their money in human things. But… I am a lucky dog! I have the best family. My grandparents take care of me while my mom is at work and they play with me all day. They talk to me in a very sweet way. When my mom comes home, I go out for walkies. She plays with me too. I sleep on the big bed (the one my mom thinks is hers). I have my own mini pool. The one thing is different than many of you is that I have to go to the Vet more often than you. Here there are lots of stray dogs and cats and that causes illness so I have to get my vaccines every 6 months. Besides the vaccines, I go there to get my nails cut and my butt squeezed every month. My Vet says I am his favorite patient. I never miss and appointment and my mom is always pendent of them.
The weather. Here in Torreon is hot… very hot from March to October. Summer is like hell. Normally 100 – 110 degrees! November to February are the best months of the year. Very nice weather. Not very cold. Never snows.
Joey & Zeke: What does the mean mailman do that is mean?
Lorenza: Hi, Joey and Zeke! Ok. The mailman is a nice man. When he comes to my house I like to greet him with furious tail wags. Problem is… he takes a lot of time to deliver my things. For example. The first year of the Christmas Card Exchange I got several cards in May and June! And, sometimes, if you send me something by mail I can get it two or three months later. This year, he has been behaving better but now I am used to call him “My mean mailman”!Bark Kent: Thank you again fur taking the time to answer the Readers Choice Questions.
Lorenza: Thanks to you Bark and to all our friends.
Bark Kent: Until next time this is Bark Kent signing out.