Our new year's celebrations were pretty low key as usual. It was just Me, Tahlia, Scooby, Brandon, Jimmy, Mum and Dad. We had a bbq for dinner and then we played in the pool for a while. It was just me, Tahlia and Dad in the pool. Then Mum and Dad decided that were going to have a singstar tournament. Mum kicked Dad's butt bol. I was very tired by midnight so we went to bed after watching the fireworks. Until next time, big licks to you...
About Me

- Suzuki
- Rockingham, Western Australia, Australia
- Big licks to you! My name is Suzuki aka Suzi. I am 8 years old and have lived with my Mum and Dad since I was 6 weeks old! I have a younger sister named Tahlia, a younger brother named Scooby Doo and a rabbit brother named Brandon. I am a water baby, I love the beach and my favourite past time is boogey boarding. I love the colour purple and lots of attention! I am a show off and love to compete in different competitions. I was in the WA finals for Pet Fashion Week in 2006 and I won Mandurah's Cutest Pet in 2007. I am also featured in the 2009 Dog A Day Calendar for the RSPCA as Miss 5th December. I have an older brother named Jerry-Lee who I dont see anymore... Mum says he went to the Rainbow Bridge and I will see him again one day.
Make your own Countdown Clocks
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
Merry Barkmas!

I always get soooo spoiled (more than usual) at this time of year and this year was no exception. From my Mum and Dad we got a new kennel... not that I go outside a lot, I prefer being inside, but it's a nice outdoor addition for our area. From all my family and friends we received about 10 toys and almost 3KG of delicious treats!

Mum nominated me for Photo of the month on dogs with blogs last month but I din't win :( so she has nominated me again with a different photo.
Until next time, Big licks to you!
Love Suzuki
Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Hello fellow pooches...
I may not be able to answer anyone for a few days because my sister bit me! A silly hooman came to the front door and my brother and sister both think that they are head of security too and before i knew it all hell had broken loose and now I have a chunk missing from the back of my leg! It really hurts. I have been to see my doctor and she cleaned me and bandaged me up and she gave my Mum some tablets and things for me to take to help take the pain away but it never fully goes away. My Mummy and Daddy have been soooo good. They help me up and down from the bed and chairs and they carry me outside so I can do my business and then they carry me back in. Mummy has even been bringing me a bowl of water over to where I'm resting so I dont have to get up because my mouth is getting very dry form the tablets. Until I am well again, big licks to you and I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas. xxx
I may not be able to answer anyone for a few days because my sister bit me! A silly hooman came to the front door and my brother and sister both think that they are head of security too and before i knew it all hell had broken loose and now I have a chunk missing from the back of my leg! It really hurts. I have been to see my doctor and she cleaned me and bandaged me up and she gave my Mum some tablets and things for me to take to help take the pain away but it never fully goes away. My Mummy and Daddy have been soooo good. They help me up and down from the bed and chairs and they carry me outside so I can do my business and then they carry me back in. Mummy has even been bringing me a bowl of water over to where I'm resting so I dont have to get up because my mouth is getting very dry form the tablets. Until I am well again, big licks to you and I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas. xxx
Saturday, December 6, 2008
The day after
Hello everyone! I just thought I'd let you know how my birthday went yesterday. I didn't have a party cause Dad said NO :( He's so mean sometimes. Mum made Dad buy her a really cool book for Christmas called Pupcakes and it has heaps of healthy food for me in it and she said she will make everything for me to try to make up for not having a party. Last night I had my normal dinner plus I had party pies, party sausage rolls, chicken nuggets and cake. I'm so spoiled. I love my life :)
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Happy Birthday to ME!!!!
Today is my birthday... Happy Birthday to ME!!!! I'm not having a party this year, I'm just having some party food and cake tonight for dinner but that's OK. So long as I get to spend time with Mum and Dad and my brothers and sister.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Christmas Photos

I'm really looking forward to Christmas this year, Mummy says she has got us something really good. We have had our Christmas photos taken for the Christmas cards already... Every year mum, who is a photographer, takes our photos for the Christmas cards and I looked extra cute as always this year :) Mum had some trouble with Scooby, he didn't like his costume but I love dressing up!
Friday, November 21, 2008
RSPCA Dog A Day Calendar
It's out! I am featured as Miss 5th December 2009 in the new RSPCA Dog a Day Calendar. And my brother Scooby and sister Tahlia appear too! Check it out if you get the chance.
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