About Me

My photo
Rockingham, Western Australia, Australia
Big licks to you! My name is Suzuki aka Suzi. I am 8 years old and have lived with my Mum and Dad since I was 6 weeks old! I have a younger sister named Tahlia, a younger brother named Scooby Doo and a rabbit brother named Brandon. I am a water baby, I love the beach and my favourite past time is boogey boarding. I love the colour purple and lots of attention! I am a show off and love to compete in different competitions. I was in the WA finals for Pet Fashion Week in 2006 and I won Mandurah's Cutest Pet in 2007. I am also featured in the 2009 Dog A Day Calendar for the RSPCA as Miss 5th December. I have an older brother named Jerry-Lee who I dont see anymore... Mum says he went to the Rainbow Bridge and I will see him again one day.


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Sunday, June 7, 2009

Mummy's home and she spoke to HIM

Well, Mummy and Daddy are home again and Mummy spoke to HIM. HE is going to change my life, I can tell. Things have already started changing around here. Mummy said I'm going to be a happier dog fur it, but I'm not so sure...

Mummy apologizes fur the photos being blurry but they are off her camera phone and she was not allowed because there was no flash photography allowed.
This is the vet asking HIM some common questions.

The seminar went fur 2 hours and then people with VIP or Gold class tickets stayed back so Cesar could answer some more questions that he picked out.
Mummy and Daddy (and 700 other hoomans) were given question cards to write on when they got there and they had to hand them in so Cesar and his assistants could go through them all and choose 5 questions he thought were most important to answer.
Daddy asked about Scooby being an nasty pup these days and Mummy, as you know, was asking about me and Tahlia and our "fights" and the best way to separate us etc.
Well a lot of people who paid a lot of money were slightly annoyed that only 5 people were going to actually have the chance to speak to HIM...
But not Mummy and Daddy because Cesar chose to speak to Mummy!
When they called out Mummy's name, she said a swear BOL
Then she got given a microphone and got to ask Cesar about us.
I feel furry flattered because he said he wished he could come home with Mummy to meet me and Tahlia because it was a furry "hands on" question that she wanted answered and he wanted to be able to physically show her how to handle us. But due to his scheduling he couldn't :( (That would have made a pawsome post fur you all BOL)
He basically told Mummy not to panic and to stay calm as we can pick up on her energy. Well duh Mummy, I could have told you that! He had also covered a lot of things early in the night that would help to make us calmer dogs. So Mummy has been trying these things since she got home. Tahlia is already a different dog. She has already learned not to push/run in front of Mummy. She stands at the back or at the side. She has high hopes fur Scooby too. Me on the other hand... I pose a problem. You see, I do not believe I am a dog or that I should have to give up my position as head of this household. It will fall apart without my leadership. I have ruled this roost fur 8 years and I am NOT about to give up that position so easily. Mummy thinks she knows better, but we will have to wait and see.
Mummy has to go to work soon but she said I could share one more thing before I have to go...
Cesar showed a pie graph of what us pups need to makes us happier dogs.
1/2 Exercise
1/4 Affection
1/4 Disipline/Boundaries
Mummy and Daddy also got a gift bag each.

We are only allowed to have these things when we start making progress.
Big licks to you


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


Are woo sure woo aren't part Siberian?

I'm glad your mum and dad enjoyed their day and time with CM -


Checkers & Chess said...

i'm glad your mum and dad enjoyed Caesar - but I'm with you Suzi - I'm not giving up my being the one in charge - that really would have been pawsome if he had come to your house because I am sure Tahlia and Scooby could use the discipline - but you my sweet are perfect just the way you are!

Selba said...

Hi Suzuki,

Wow! You mummy was choosen to speak to Cesar? That's really really really pawsome!!!

We really think this is an informative post. And hope that Selby can also implemented the pie chart to us. We have been more getting affection than exercise or disipline/boundaries. Psssttt... actually no disipline/boundaries at all! BOL

So, what's Cesar's opinion about Scooby? Why he reacted differently after being... like Vincent?

How nice that your mummy and daddy brought back gift bag, make sure to share with Thalia and Scooby.

Hopefully Cesar will aslo have a seminar here in Jakarta someday so Selby could attend it and bring us also gift bag, BOL

Adele, Vincent & Bella

Bijou said...

Hi Suzuki,

Wow it was very exciting to read that your mom actually got to speak with Cesar. I'm sure he gave her terrific advice but it will take hard work to get the results. I bet the gifts bags were a nice surprise.

Wags & wiggles,

Lorenza said...

Hi, Suzi!
Sure it was pawesome that Cesar could answer your Mom's questions!
I know you all are going to make great progress!
Discipline?? What is that?? Can you eat it??
Kisses and hugs

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We are sure most of the work will be for the other pups in the house as you are already pawfect. But it sounds like it was a very good seminar.

Woos, the OP Pack

the TN Bull Terrors said...

We're on yer side Suzuki, let them boss the other 2 around, you obviously don't need bossin

Feather, Darla, Pappy & LizzaBella ^..^

doyle and mollie said...


Achieve1dream said...

Wow that is totally a bribe! Not fair you have to behave before you get your new treats? Who ever thought of such barbaric and outdated rules?? BOL


Noah the Airedale said...

Crikey pals, how exciting for your pinkies to meet the man himself. We didn't even know he was coming to Australia. Pinky would have freaked if they'd call out her name hehe.
Glad your pinkies got something out of the seminar and good for them for asking a very good question.


Anonymous said...

Don't worry Suzuki. If the worst happens and you lose your position of power, then we will all get together and help you stage something called a coup d'etat.

Morgan in Pittsburgh said...

mom and I go round and round about who is the boss. She always wins. It might be better that way though... You might like it.

Martha said...

How cool, thanks to your mum for sharing that.
Sounds like she is motivated after speaking with him.
Our mum is like that after watching the programme!
Thankfully it doesnt last too long. She certainly agrees with the exercise - we think it is Asta who has "A tired dog is a Good dog" on her blog and we agree with that!
Good luck
Martha & Bailey xxx

Clive said...

Hi Suzuki

How lucky was your Mom to have her question picked out. Sounds like a really interesting seminar.

lots of woofs

Maxmom said...

Hi there, Suzi's mum
Thanks you for the post and for being so honest in sharing. Your experiences are going to help a lot of people! WE just wanted to say "Hang in there!". We are sure that with perserverence (and many tears), it will work out in the end.
Take care and give yourself a pat on the back
With love
Max &Co in SA

Pipa said...

Hi Suz!!

Thank you for sharing that. You should post about the advices he gave you, that would help us out!



Unknown said...

OOh, Suzuki - this is an interesting post! How cool that your humans got to meet Cesar Millan! My human is always interested in learning from dog trainers.

Although she doesn't agree with some of Cesar's methods - she thinks you can achieve the same things without using physical force and intimidation (and I am proof coz I weight 20kg more than her! no physical force with me! ha!) - but she does agree with him on a lot of things and thinks that his real skill is his ability to get through to owners and explain why their dogs need help.

By the way, the "exercise" part of that graph doesn't have to be just physical exercise because that would just build up your stamina and you would need longer and longer walks and more and more walks and running and games...and your humans would be exhausted! We dogs would always build up stamina faster and quicker than our humans - they could never keep up!

So part of that "exercise" should be mental stimulation, in the form of training. They say 10mins of training is worth 40mins of walking! It is important for us dogs to be mentally stimulated and use our natural skills - that's when we feel satisfied and happy and don't go looking for trouble!

So maybe your human can do some more training with you too, as part of your "exercise" quota...not only would this help to tire you out, it would also increase/maintain their status as pack leader in your home (OK, I know you want to be Top Dog, Suzuki but humour them a little!) in a nice way plus strengthen the bond between you...and make you a much better-behaved doggie too! A winner all around!

And it doesn't have to be boring, bootcamp stuff - training should be lots of fun & laughter, with lots of treats. But your human can still show calm authority, even during training - in fact, it is one of the best times and the best ways to show calm authority!

Ooh! Sorry for the long comment! Got a bit carried away!

Honey the Great Dane

Brind'Amour Clumbers said...

I'm glad your mom and dad had a great time but the important thing is that they brought you goodie bags!!


The 'splorin' Wolfies said...

we are definately not fans of CM and his methods but we love the goody bags--heheheh!!!

Tee said...

Woooo Suzuki!

Your mom and dad are really lucky they got to speak to Cesar Milan. THe Chief saw him on Oprah a few times....

Did she get an autograph?? My CHief is a real fan of anyone who claims to be a dog expert. She needs all the advice she can get with us scrappingly enthusiastic lot!

licks and wags
Tuffy and the Dog WOods Pack

Golden Samantha said...

Wow! HIM! Sounds like Mom got a great earful of fabu advice! Suzuki, I get your point of view, but hope mom will help you get what you need most, so the other household siblings can get what they need! Tough job for ma.
We send lots of love and hugs xo

The Army of Four said...

Define "progress". Ha roo roo roo!
What part of that pie chart involves actual pie? Hmmm?
Play bows,

Allison Walton said...

Wow, Suzuki! Yur mommee iz sooo luckee! Arr mommee and daddee iz furm beeleevurz in Cesar's wayz. They have kept us calm and gud doggehs fur a long time heer. Maybe not beeing da queen woodn't be so bad?

How cool dat yur mommee got to speek to him!!

Gus and Waldo

Amber and Nala said...

How exciting for your Mummy and Daddy! I will be interested to see what the outcome is of his advice. :) I know you doggies will figure it out.


The Army of Four said...

PS: We gave you guys an award! Please swing by the blog when you can!
Play bows,

Ruby and Penny said...

Hi Suzuki
Wow!!. I hope he Cesar is able to help out your mom.
Love Ruby & Penny

Bobby said...

John watches CM but I said to Pip we don't need him we are so good. HE!HE

Dandy Duke said...

Wow! That's awesome that your mom and dad were one of the few chosen to speak with Ceasar!
What a nice gift bag they came home with!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Moco said...

Don't for a minute give up your place in the family. We know that you are keeping everything under control.

Mochi and Bali said...

That was really cool that your mom got to talk to him! And look at those goodies! :)


Rufus and Indie said...

Your mom talked with CESAR M.? How cool is that? And the gift bag...:)
Rufus and Indie

Dexter said...

Good luck with all that training stuff. Yeah, the people are convinced they need to be in charge even when I think I should be disciplining Pee-Wee myself. Sigh.


P.S. Just as well that guy isn't coming to your house. Imagine all the housecleaning that would have to happen to make your estate ready for TV.

Mic said...

Whoa! That is so cool! My Spokeswoman is a HUGE, HUGE, HUGE fan of Cesar! She has about every episode of "Dog Whisperer" he has ever made!

I like him, too...he has brought about some good changes in my Spokeswoman which have made her a bit less annoying. She used to TALK me to death when we were working on things, but, she learned from Cesar just to shut up and use quiet energy instead of yammering my ears off. She was AMAZED when I began responding INSTANTLY the minute she quit TELLING with her WORDS what to do, but just used her body language, instead. Duh! I was just relieved to get a reprieve from her endless nagging!!!

The QUIETER she is, the better I respond! (Who says you can't train your human?!)